Method DetailaccessTransaction(Pin pin, String action) Routes the user to Navigator and provides access to the Transaction associated with the Pin. Depending on the type of PIN, this will either require authentication by the user or direct access to Navigator without authentication.
Since: 05-15-2014 accessTransaction(String txId, String action) Routes the user to Navigator and provides access to the specified Transaction. Requires authentication by that user and authorization to be handled by the transaction.
Since: 05-15-2014 accessTransaction(String txId, String action, String email) Routes the user to Navigator and provides access to the specified Transaction. Requires authentication by that user and authorization to be handled by the application (meaning the user must have a role on the transaction).
Since: 05-15-2014 boolean allowAnonymousTransactionAccess() Over-rides the default Transaction security which is to require users to have a role on existing transactions. If you call this method, you must handle authorization in the Transaction workflow. The application will still require authentication and restrict access to the account identified by email. Returns: boolean Since: 08-22-2008 createNewTransaction() Routes the user to Navigator and creates a new Transaction. Requires authentication by that user. This method is the equivalent of having a public tokenized link. Since: 05-15-2014 createNewTransaction(String email) Routes the user to Navigator and creates a new Transaction. Requires authentication by that user.
Since: 05-15-2014 createOrGetFirstTransaction(String action) Routes the user to Navigator and provides access to the first transaction the user has active role in. New transaction created in case the user has no transactions.
Since: 05-15-2014 createOrGetLastTransaction(String action) Routes the user to Navigator and provides access to the last transaction the user has active role in. New transaction created in case the user has no transactions.
Since: 05-15-2014 Data getData() Returns the Data object for this response. Returns: Data Since: 02-22-2013 requireEmail(String email) If the user will be creating a new account, this method requires that the account use this email address.
Since: 01-15-2010 setCancelUrl(String url) Specifies the url the user should be taken to if unable to log in. If this is set, a cancel button will be shown on the login screen.
Since: 05-14-2009 boolean setHeadless(boolean runHeadless) If set to true, the transaction pal application will run without the standard navigator desktop.
Returns: boolean Since: 01-11-2011 boolean setLoginPage(String loginPage) Sets the login page for this response. The loginPage must be of type login. Pass null to use the default system login page.
Returns: boolean Since: 11-01-2010 setNewUserEmailValidation(boolean validate) This method applies only to new users who will create an account as part of accessing the transaction. This is true by default.
Since: 12-03-2009 showCreateAccount(boolean show) Show or hide the create account button. Default is true (show).
Since: 01-13-2010 showLogin(boolean show) Show or hide the create login button. Default is true (show). If false, showCreateAccount(true) should be called.
Since: 07-05-2017 String toString() Returns a description of this object. Returns: String Since: 08-22-2008 |
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