Method DetailBrowser createBrowser(String userAgent) Creates a Browser object from the user agent. Some Browser methods may not work when the Browser instance is created this way.
Returns: Browser Since: 04-21-2020 Buffer createBuffer() Creates and returns a new Buffer object Returns: Buffer Since: 07-11-2008 Data createData() Creates and returns an empty Data object Returns: Data Since: 08-21-2007 PacketDataList createDataList(String name, String column, String[] array) Creates a new non persistent PacketDataList and adds the array to the column
Returns: PacketDataList Since: 06-10-2016 PacketDataList createDataList(String name, String[] columns) Creates a new non persistent PacketDataList and returns it. Maximum column size is 100.
Returns: PacketDataList Since: 10-07-2010 Email createEmail(String emailName) Creates a SystemEmail container using the specified template.
Returns: Email Since: 08-31-2019 Email createEmail(String emailName, String emailSettingsId) Creates an Email container using the specified template and specified enterprise email settings.
Returns: Email Since: 08-31-2019 FileBuffer createFileBuffer(String type, int limit) Creates and returns a new FileBuffer object
Returns: FileBuffer Since: 08-27-2013 FtpRequest createFtpRequest() Creates real-time FTP/FTPS/SFTP request object useful for communication with an external FTP service. Requires activation key with Remote Services enabled. Returns: FtpRequest Since: 05-25-2011 String createGUID(String prefix) Creates a Globally Unique ID, alternatively with the specified prefix. Null prefix results in a guid of max length 37. With prefix it is length(prefix)+26
Returns: String Since: 05-21-2009 JSONBuffer createJsonBuffer() Returns a new JSON Buffer Returns: JSONBuffer Since: 04-29-2022 JSONParser createJsonParser(String jsonString) Returns a parser for the given JSON string
Returns: JSONParser Since: 01-29-2016 TextMessage createMessage() Creates a new Message object. Returns: TextMessage Since: 04-27-2009 String createMobileLink(PalInfo pal, String action, Data data) Creates link for mobile application
Returns: String Since: 06-24-2011 Payload createPayload() Creates a new Payload object. Returns: Payload Since: 10-07-2010 Payload createPayload(String json) Creates a new Payload object from the JSON encoded string. See Payload.toJson().
Returns: Payload Since: 05-16-2011 ServiceRequest createServiceRequest() Creates real-time http(s) request object useful for communication with external web services. Requires activation key with Remote Services enabled. Returns: ServiceRequest Since: 11-05-2010 TextEmail createTextEmail(String emailName) Creates a text-based (body is text as opposed to XHTML) email.
Returns: TextEmail Since: 05-27-2009 TransactionPacket createTransaction(String description) Creates a new transaction. If the description is not null, the transaction description will be set to the description, otherwise it will be set to the Pal description.
Returns: TransactionPacket Since: 03-30-2023 debug(Object message) Adds a debug message.
Since: 06-17-2024 debugData(Data data) Debugs all the values of the given data object.
Since: 06-04-2019 debugList(DataList list) Debugs the name, all of the columns, and up to 100 rows of data. The output is rendered in the debug messages of Pal Builder. This method is used for development purposes and ignored in deployed pals.
Since: 06-21-2019 debugPayload(Payload payload) Debugs the payload. See comments on debugList and debugData
Since: 04-15-2021 debugs(String message, int length) Adds the debug message but splits it into length character segments. Min length is 20 and max is 150. This debugs only to the server-side debugger.
Since: 07-27-2021 dumpDebug() Forces an immediate flush of the debug log. This can be called once every 10 seconds. Since: 12-10-2018 BusinessUtil getBusinessUtil() Returns a BusinessUtil object. Returns: BusinessUtil Since: 07-15-2009 ChartTool getChartTool() Creates and returns a chart factory object which can be used to create specific chart types. Returns: ChartTool Since: 03-01-2018 InternalCloud getCloud() Returns a Cloud object. This Pal must belong to the system zone identified in the admin tool. Returns: InternalCloud Since: 07-26-2018 ConsolePacket getConsolePacket() Returns the ConsolePacket associated with this Console Pal. There exists only one ConsolePacket for each ConsolePal. All users access the same ConsolePacket. Be careful when writing workflow that modifies the ConsolePacket. Typically, setting properties on the ConsolePacket should be limited to initialization, Console System workflow, or an administrator to reduce the chance of collision. Returns: ConsolePacket Since: 07-08-2020 DateUtil getDateUtil() Returns a utility for working with dates. Returns: DateUtil Since: 07-29-2008 EncryptionUtil getEncryptionUtil() Returns encryption utility Returns: EncryptionUtil Since: 11-30-2016 Enterprise getEnterprise() Returns the enterprise associated with the running Pal. Returns: Enterprise Since: 02-17-2011 String getError() Returns the error, if any. Returns: String Since: 07-11-2008 Formatter getFormatter() Returns a formatter. Returns: Formatter Since: 07-31-2008 GeoUtil getGeoUtil(String units) Returns a utility for working with geo-coordinates. Use km for kilometers and m for miles.
Returns: GeoUtil Since: 08-27-2019 Logger getLogger() Returns the Logger for this workflow engine. Returns: Logger Since: 10-19-2020 Monitor getMonitor() Returns the workflow monitor. Returns: Monitor Since: 01-04-2010 RuntimePal getPal() Returns the active Pal Returns: RuntimePal Since: 04-28-2010 RuntimePal getPalById(String palId) Returns the Pal for the specified palId. Pals must belong to the same enterprise and group.
Returns: RuntimePal Since: 04-28-2010 PalInfo getPalInfo(String palId) The PalInfo for the specified palId.
Returns: PalInfo Since: 10-27-2009 String[] getPlugins() Returns the names of all plugins registered in this cloud Returns: String[] Since: 11-28-2022 QRUtil getQRUtil() Returns a utility for creating and reading QR codes. Returns: QRUtil Since: 01-26-2017 TunnelRequest getRequest() Returns the request. Returns: TunnelRequest Since: 06-14-2018 String getResourcePath(String resource, String version) Returns the resource path for the specified resource.
Returns: String Since: 12-08-2015 TunnelResponse getResponse() Returns the response. Returns: TunnelResponse Since: 06-14-2018 InternalSystemManager getSystemManager() Returns the system manager. The Pal must belong to the system zone identified in the admin tool. Returns: InternalSystemManager Since: 07-26-2018 double getTime() Returns the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC for the given server. Returns: double Since: 10-07-2021 String getTimeZone() Returns the timezone for this thread. Returns: String Since: 03-14-2022 TransactionPacket getTransaction(String txId) Returns the specified TransactionPacket associated with the active Pal.
Returns: TransactionPacket Since: 03-30-2023 Validator getValidator() Returns a utility for validating user data. Returns: Validator Since: 07-11-2008 String getWorker() Returns the worker (application server) running this workflow. Useful in a multi-worker environment for analyzing performance and for troubleshooting. Returns: String Since: 07-05-2021 String getWorkflowName() Returns the name of the currently running workflow. Returns: String Since: 11-13-2009 setClean(boolean clean) Sets all dataset operations to clean/not clean. See Dataset.setClean(boolean)
Since: 06-15-2022 setDateFormat(String pattern) Sets the date pattern for displaying dates for this thread.
Since: 10-07-2021 setErrorPrefix(String errorPrefix) Appends this prefix to any workflow generated error message.
Since: 10-05-2015 setTimeZone(String timezone) Sets the timezone for dates created or displayed in this thread.
Since: 10-07-2021 String toString() Returns a description of this object. Returns: String Since: 07-26-2018 |
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