
Other API in Package


Internal Tunnel

Internal Web


Method Summary
DataList getAllTimezones()

Returns a list of all timezones.

PacketDataList getCalendar(int year)
⚠Deprecated since 03-09-2023. Use DateUtil.getCalendar

Returns a calendar datalist for the given year.

DataList getCountryList()

Returns a list of country names including code, name, iso code, and calling code.

DataList getFonts()

Returns a list of fonts usable in creating an image. See Buffer.toImage.

DataList getLanguages()

Returns supported languages for this cloud.

DataList getNAICSChildCodes(String code)

Returns a list North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes that are children of the specified code.

DataList getNAICSCodes()

Returns a list North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) top level codes.

DataList getPdfFonts()

Returns a list of fonts usable in creating a PDF. See Render.toDocumentPdf.

DataList getStateList(String countryCode)

Returns a list of states names from the country. Returns null if countryCode is null or empty. Returns empty list of countryCode is not found.

DataList getTextMessagingProviders()

Returns a list of standard SMS providers (cell phone carriers that ContractPal supports SMS communication with).

DataList getTimezones()

Returns a list of timezones for the US.

DataList getWizardPatterns(String name)

Returns validation patterns.

String toString()

Returns a description of this object.

Method Detail

DataList getAllTimezones()

Returns a list of all timezones.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: timezones
DataList Fields: code, name, gmt, gmtOffset, country, continent, level, gmtOffsetMinutes, ocean

Since: 10-07-2021


PacketDataList getCalendar(int year)

Returns a calendar datalist for the given year.


  • int   year Required parameter.

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: calendar
DataList Fields: month, moy, year, week, sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat

Since: 01-10-2023

This method has been deprecated since 03-09-2023. Use DateUtil.getCalendar


DataList getCountryList()

Returns a list of country names including code, name, iso code, and calling code.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: countries
DataList Fields: code, name, isoCont, callingCode

Since: 09-30-2021


DataList getFonts()

Returns a list of fonts usable in creating an image. See Buffer.toImage.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: fonts
DataList Fields: name

Since: 06-27-2011


DataList getLanguages()

Returns supported languages for this cloud.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: languages
DataList Fields: name, langId

Since: 06-08-2012


DataList getNAICSChildCodes(String code)

Returns a list North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes that are children of the specified code.


  • String   code

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: codes
DataList Fields: code, name

Since: 07-14-2009


DataList getNAICSCodes()

Returns a list North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) top level codes.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: codes
DataList Fields: code, name

Since: 07-14-2009


DataList getPdfFonts()

Returns a list of fonts usable in creating a PDF. See Render.toDocumentPdf.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: fonts
DataList Fields: name

Since: 08-17-2016


DataList getStateList(String countryCode)

Returns a list of states names from the country. Returns null if countryCode is null or empty. Returns empty list of countryCode is not found.


  • String   countryCode

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: states
DataList Fields: code, name, isoCode

Since: 07-14-2009


DataList getTextMessagingProviders()

Returns a list of standard SMS providers (cell phone carriers that ContractPal supports SMS communication with).

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: providers
DataList Fields: name, domain, type

Since: 10-07-2010


DataList getTimezones()

Returns a list of timezones for the US.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: timezones
DataList Fields: code, name, gmt, gmtOffset, country, continent, level, gmtOffsetMinutes, ocean

Since: 06-08-2012


DataList getWizardPatterns(String name)

Returns validation patterns.


  • String   name

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: patterns
DataList Fields: label, pattern, tooltip, type

Since: 11-02-2012


String toString()

Returns a description of this object.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-14-2009

Copyright © 2006 - 2024, ContractPal, Inc. All rights reserved. API Date: Dec 30, 2024 11:45 AM