A cell is a single storage container within a Cube. Nearly all methods that modify a cell require cell.save() to persist the changes.
Method DetailCell addChild(Cell child) Sets this cell as the parent of the specified cell and returns this cell. This cell must be saved prior to calling this method.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell addSlice(String name, String value) Adds the secondary slice to the cell. A cell can have a maximum of 1,000 secondary slices.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell deleteObject() Deletes any associated object (Data, DataList, Payload, File) on save. Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell deleteSlice(String name) Deletes the secondary slice or slices with the given name.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell deleteSlice(String name, String value) Deletes the secondary slice with the given name and value.
Returns: Cell Since: 09-12-2019 Cell deleteSlices() Deletes all of the secondary slices from the cell. Returns: Cell Since: 08-12-2019 disconnectRemote() If the object attached to this cell is stored remotely, this method removes the local pointer but leaves the remote file intact. Since: 07-25-2019 Cell encrypt(boolean encrypt) Encrypts any child objects if true.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 String get(String key) Returns the specified value from the cell's properties or metadata.
Returns: String Since: 09-20-2019 String getCdnUrl(boolean secure) Returns the full CDN url, if any, for the remote file. The cell must be saved before calling this method.
Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 PacketDataList getChildren(String listName, long offset, int recordCount) Returns the children of this cell, if any.
Returns: PacketDataList Since: 07-25-2019 Data getData() Returns the Data if set, null otherwise. Returns: Data Since: 07-25-2019 PacketDataList getDataList() Returns the DataList if set, null otherwise. Returns: PacketDataList Since: 07-25-2019 long getDataSize() Returns the data size (if any) in bytes. Returns: long Since: 07-25-2019 Date getDate() Returns the Date of this cell which by default is the date it was created. Returns: Date Since: 07-25-2019 String getExtra() Returns the extra value. Returns: String Since: 08-09-2019 File getFile() Returns the File if set, null otherwise Returns: File Since: 07-25-2019 String getFileId() Returns the file ID, if any, for the remote file. See c:rfile tag. The cell must be saved before calling this method. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 String getId() Returns the cell ID. Max Length: 32. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 String getImageId() Returns the file handle, if any, for rendering an in image. See c:image tag. The cell must be saved before calling this method. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 Data getMeta() Returns the metadata. Returns: Data Since: 07-25-2019 Date getModified() Returns the Date this cell was last modified. Returns: Date Since: 08-09-2019 String getName() Returns the cell name. Max Length: 60. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 Cell getParent() Returns the parent of this cell, if any. Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Payload getPayload() Returns the Payload if set, null otherwise. Returns: Payload Since: 07-25-2019 String getProfileId() Returns the profileId. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 String getSlice() Returns the slice name. Max Length: 60 Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 PacketDataList getSliceList() Returns all of the secondary slices of this cell, if any. Returns: PacketDataList Since: 09-12-2019 Data getSlices() Returns the secondary slices of this cell, if any. Returns: Data Since: 07-25-2019 int getSortOrder() Returns the sort order. Returns: int Since: 07-25-2019 String getStatus() Returns the status. The default status is *. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 String getType() Returns the type of the data (if any). Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 boolean isSaved() Returns true if this cell has been saved to persistent storage. Returns: boolean Since: 07-25-2019 Cell remote(boolean remote) If true, specifies child objects should be stored with a remote storage provider, if available.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell removeParent() Removes the parent from this cell. Call save() to persist. Returns: Cell Since: 09-06-2019 Cell save() Saves the cell and returns it. Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell set(String key, String value) Sets or removes the metadata key/value of the cell. Total serialized metadata cannot exceed 255. See Data.toJSON().
Returns: Cell Since: 09-20-2019 Cell setData(Data data) Associates a data with this cell. The cell must be new, already a data, or type must be reset (see Cell.clearType()).
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setDataList(PacketDataList datalist) Associates a datalist with this cell. The cell must be new, already a datalist, or type must be reset (see Cell.clearType()).
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setDate(Date date) Sets the date of the cell.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setExtra(String extra) Sets the extra property of the cell.
Returns: Cell Since: 08-09-2019 Cell setFile(File file) Associates a file with this cell. The cell must be new, already a file, or type must be reset (see Cell.clearType()).
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setMeta(Data meta) Sets the metadata of the cell. Total serialized metadata cannot exceed 255. See Data.toJSON().
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setName(String name) Sets the name of the cell.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setParent(Cell parent) Sets the parent of this cell and returns this cell. The parent must be saved prior to calling this method.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setPayload(Payload payload) Associates a payload with this cell. The cell must be new, already a payload, or type must be reset (see Cell.clearType()).
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setProfileId(String profileId) Sets the profileId of the cell. By default this is 'SYSTEM' or the profileId of the active user, but it can be anything.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setSlice(String slice) Sets the primary slice of the cell.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setSortOrder(int sortOrder) Sets the sort order of the cell which by default is 0 and must be 0 or less than 65535.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Cell setStatus(String status) Sets the status of the cell.
Returns: Cell Since: 07-25-2019 Data toData() Creates a data of this cell with with its properties and meta, if any. Note, if meta has keys that collide with the standard properties, meta will take precedence. Returns: Data Since: 07-25-2019 Payload toPayload() Creates a payload of this cell with all child objects included except a file. Returns: Payload Since: 07-25-2019 String toString() Returns a description of this object. Returns: String Since: 07-25-2019 |
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