Console Webservice API

Profile extends ProfileInfo

Other API in Package


Console System

Internal Console

Method Summary
PWA createPWA()

Creates a progressive web app and associates it with this user and pal. Returns null if key, enterprise, or profile does not enable PWA. Note- this will immediately send an email to the user notifying of the creation of the PWA.

ProfilePacket createPacket()

Returns the ProfilePacket associated with this Console Pal or creates one if it does not exist. Each user of the Console Pal has a single ProfilePacket. This will return null if the user has not been granted console access or otherwise has group access to console.

  deleteMobileAccess(Pal pal)

Deletes mobile access to the Pal. Note- for non personal profiles, this deletes access but discovery is still controlled by group permissions.


Deletes the PWA associated with this profile and pal, if any.

  deletePacket(boolean removeConsoleAccess)

Deletes the ProfilePacket, if any and removes console access (if personal profile).

  deleteProductAccess(Pal pal, String productId)

Deletes desktop product access to the Pal. Note- for non personal profiles, this deletes access but discovery is still controlled by group permissions.

String getAccessLevel()

Returns the access level this profile has granted to the running Pal. Responses will be 'None', 'ContractPal', 'Enterprise' or 'B2B'. If 'None', advanced information from the profile is not exposed to this Pal.

String getAddress()

Returns the address of the user associated with this profile.

SSOToken getAuthToken()

Returns the sso token, if any, associated with this user and pal.

String getCellPhone()

Returns the cell phone of the user associated with this profile.

String getCellPhoneProvider()

Returns the cell phone provider of the user associated with this profile.

String getCity()

Returns the city of the user associated with this profile.

String getCountry()

Returns the country of the user associated with this profile.

String getCountryCode()

Returns the country code of the user associated with this profile.

Data getData()

Returns a Data object with information from this profile. The amount of information depends on what the user has enabled for public access. Minimum information available is firstName, lastName, and emailAdress and boolean: personal or enterprise.

String getDepartment()

Returns department name for this profile

String getDivision()

Returns division name for this profile

String getEmailAddress()

Returns the email address associated with this profile.

EnterpriseInfo getEnterprise()

Returns the enterprise that owns this profile or null if it is a personal profile.

String getExitUrl()

Returns the best exit URL for this user.

String getFax()

Returns the fax of the user associated with this profile.

String getFirstName()

Returns the first name of the user associated with this profile.

String getFullName()

Returns the combined first and last name of the user associated with this profile.

Data getGroupPermissions(String group)

Returns a Data object (read only) containing the permissions the enterprise profile has for the specified group. See hasGroupPermission for permission names.

DataList getGroups()

Returns a DataList of all groups this profile is a member of.

DataList getGroupsWithPermission(String permission)

Returns a DataList of all groups this profile is a member of that have the specified permission. Possible choices are: accessTransaction,accessConsolePal,createTransaction,deleteTransaction,accessTransactionLogs,accessTransactionTechnical,managePals,userWebService,manageArchive,developPals

String getId()

Returns unique ID of profile. Returns null if profile is not registered.

String getLanguage()

Returns the language of the user associated with this profile.

String getLastName()

Returns the last name of the user associated with this profile.

String getMiddleName()

Returns the middle name of the user associated with this profile.

String getName()

Returns the name of the profile.

PWA getPWA()

Returns the progressive web app, if any, associated with this user and pal.

ProfilePacket getPacket()

Returns the ProfilePacket associated with this User and Pal. Each user of the Console Pal has a single ProfilePacket. This may return null if the user has not been granted console access or otherwise has group access to console.

ProfilePalManager getPalManager()

Returns the pal manager for this profile.

Data getPalManagerGroupSettings(String group)

Returns Pal manager settings for the specified Group.

Data getPalManagerPalSettings(PalInfo palInfo)

Returns Pal manager settings for the specified Pal.

Data getPermissions()

Returns a Data object (read only) containing all permissions of the enterprise profile. Possible choices are: manageUsers,manageStats,manageReseller,enterpriseOwner,manageEnterprise,manageGlobalSettings,manageServices,accounting,manageGroups,manageB2B,manageUnassignedTransactions,manageEnterpriseActivationKeys,manageStore,manageDesktopSoftware,manageSystemActivationKeys,manageZones,managePalChains,manageSSO,manageRemoteProviders,manageResources,systemAccounting,systemStatements,systemSupport,manageEnterprises,systemAdmin,systemDeleteEnterprise,systemStats

String getPhone()

Returns the phone of the user associated with this profile.

String getPostalCode()

Returns the postal code of the user associated with this profile.

String getSalesId()

Returns Sales ID for this profile

String getState()

Returns the state of the user associated with this profile.

String getStateCode()

Returns the state code of the user associated with this profile.

String getTimeZone()

Returns the time zone of the user associated with this profile.

String getTimeZoneCode()

Returns the time zone code of the user associated with this profile.

String getTitle()

Returns the title or job title of the user associated with this profile.

ProfileTxManager getTransactionManager()

Returns the transaction manager for this profile.

Data getTransactionManagerGroupSettings(String group)

Returns transaction manager settings for the specified Group.

String getUserId()

Returns unique ID of the user associated with this profile. Returns null if profile is not registered.

boolean hasConsoleAccess(String palId)

Returns true if this profile can access the specified Console Pal.

boolean hasGroupPermission(String group, String permission)

Returns true the enterprise profile has the group permission. Possible choices are: accessTransaction,accessConsolePal,createTransaction,deleteTransaction,accessTransactionLogs,accessTransactionTechnical,managePals,userWebService,manageArchive,developPals

boolean hasMobileAccess(Pal pal)

Returns true if the profile has been granted mobile access to the Pal.

boolean hasPermission(String permission)

Returns true the enterprise profile has the specified system permission. Possible choices are: manageUsers,manageStats,manageReseller,enterpriseOwner,manageEnterprise,manageGlobalSettings,manageServices,accounting,manageGroups,manageB2B,manageUnassignedTransactions,manageEnterpriseActivationKeys,manageStore,manageDesktopSoftware,manageSystemActivationKeys,manageZones,managePalChains,manageSSO,manageRemoteProviders,manageResources,systemAccounting,systemStatements,systemSupport,manageEnterprises,systemAdmin,systemDeleteEnterprise,systemStats

boolean hasProductAccess(Pal pal, String productId)

Returns true if the profile has been granted desktop product access to the Pal.

boolean hasRole(String role, String txId)

Returns true if the profile has a role on the specified transaction.

boolean isDefaultProfile()

Returns true if this profile is the default profile for the user.

boolean isEnterprise()

Returns true if this profile is an enterprise profile.

boolean isFloatingLicense()

Returns true if the licenseType for this profile is floating.

boolean isGroupMember(String group)

Returns true if this profile is a member of the specified private group.

boolean isOwnedBy(Enterprise enterprise)

Returns true if the Enterprise owns this profile.

boolean isOwnedBy(String domain)

Returns true if this profile is owned by the enterprise that owns specified domain.

boolean isPersonal()

Returns true if this profile is a personal profile.

boolean isSupportLicense()

Returns true if the licenseType for this profile is support.

boolean isSystem()

Returns true if this profile is a system profile.

boolean isUserLicense()

Returns true if the licenseType for this profile is user.

boolean setMobileAccess(Pal pal, String mobileConfig)

Grants or updates mobile access to this pal. The user must have mobile access enabled in security settings. The Pal must be mobile enabled. If the profile is not enterprise, the user must have user workflow access group permission.

boolean setProductAccess(Pal pal, String productId)

Grants or updates desktop product access to this pal. The user must have desktop product access enabled in security settings. If the profile is enterprise, the user must have user workflow access group permission. If this method returns false, check c.getError() to determine why.

VCardFile toVCardFile(String fileName)

Exports this profile information to business card file. Profile information access permission rules apply

Method Detail

PWA createPWA()

Creates a progressive web app and associates it with this user and pal. Returns null if key, enterprise, or profile does not enable PWA. Note- this will immediately send an email to the user notifying of the creation of the PWA.

Returns:  PWA

Since: 10-13-2021


ProfilePacket createPacket()

Returns the ProfilePacket associated with this Console Pal or creates one if it does not exist. Each user of the Console Pal has a single ProfilePacket. This will return null if the user has not been granted console access or otherwise has group access to console.

Returns:  ProfilePacket

Since: 02-03-2014


deleteMobileAccess(Pal pal)

Deletes mobile access to the Pal. Note- for non personal profiles, this deletes access but discovery is still controlled by group permissions.


  • Pal   pal Required parameter.

Since: 05-04-2011



Deletes the PWA associated with this profile and pal, if any.

Since: 10-13-2021


deletePacket(boolean removeConsoleAccess)

Deletes the ProfilePacket, if any and removes console access (if personal profile).


  • boolean   removeConsoleAccess

Since: 02-03-2014


deleteProductAccess(Pal pal, String productId)

Deletes desktop product access to the Pal. Note- for non personal profiles, this deletes access but discovery is still controlled by group permissions.


  • Pal   pal Required parameter.
  • String   productId  - Desktop Product GUID.. Required parameter.

Since: 10-11-2011


String getAccessLevel()

Returns the access level this profile has granted to the running Pal. Responses will be 'None', 'ContractPal', 'Enterprise' or 'B2B'. If 'None', advanced information from the profile is not exposed to this Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 01-15-2010


String getAddress()

Returns the address of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


SSOToken getAuthToken()

Returns the sso token, if any, associated with this user and pal.

Returns:  SSOToken

Since: 01-11-2021


String getCellPhone()

Returns the cell phone of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 11-02-2010


String getCellPhoneProvider()

Returns the cell phone provider of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 11-02-2010


String getCity()

Returns the city of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getCountry()

Returns the country of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getCountryCode()

Returns the country code of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


Data getData()

Returns a Data object with information from this profile. The amount of information depends on what the user has enabled for public access. Minimum information available is firstName, lastName, and emailAdress and boolean: personal or enterprise.

Returns:  Data

Since: 01-19-2009


String getDepartment()

Returns department name for this profile

Returns:  String

Since: 11-01-2011


String getDivision()

Returns division name for this profile

Returns:  String

Since: 11-01-2011


String getEmailAddress()

Returns the email address associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 03-15-2007


EnterpriseInfo getEnterprise()

Returns the enterprise that owns this profile or null if it is a personal profile.

Returns:  EnterpriseInfo

Since: 07-06-2009


String getExitUrl()

Returns the best exit URL for this user.

Returns:  String

Since: 11-13-2024


String getFax()

Returns the fax of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getFirstName()

Returns the first name of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 03-15-2007


String getFullName()

Returns the combined first and last name of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 12-02-2009


Data getGroupPermissions(String group)

Returns a Data object (read only) containing the permissions the enterprise profile has for the specified group. See hasGroupPermission for permission names.


  • String   group

Returns:  Data

Since: 01-11-2010


DataList getGroups()

Returns a DataList of all groups this profile is a member of.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: groups
DataList Fields: name, description

Since: 12-18-2008


DataList getGroupsWithPermission(String permission)

Returns a DataList of all groups this profile is a member of that have the specified permission. Possible choices are: accessTransaction,accessConsolePal,createTransaction,deleteTransaction,accessTransactionLogs,accessTransactionTechnical,managePals,userWebService,manageArchive,developPals


  • String   permission Required parameter.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: groups
DataList Fields: name, description

Since: 01-25-2010


String getId()

Returns unique ID of profile. Returns null if profile is not registered.

Returns:  String

Since: 02-04-2009


String getLanguage()

Returns the language of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getLastName()

Returns the last name of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 03-15-2007


String getMiddleName()

Returns the middle name of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getName()

Returns the name of the profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 09-10-2008


PWA getPWA()

Returns the progressive web app, if any, associated with this user and pal.

Returns:  PWA

Since: 10-13-2021


ProfilePacket getPacket()

Returns the ProfilePacket associated with this User and Pal. Each user of the Console Pal has a single ProfilePacket. This may return null if the user has not been granted console access or otherwise has group access to console.

Returns:  ProfilePacket

Since: 02-03-2014


ProfilePalManager getPalManager()

Returns the pal manager for this profile.

Returns:  ProfilePalManager

Since: 09-22-2015


Data getPalManagerGroupSettings(String group)

Returns Pal manager settings for the specified Group.


  • String   group  - Group to check permissions against. Pass * for all groups.. Required parameter.

Returns:  Data

Since: 03-02-2012


Data getPalManagerPalSettings(PalInfo palInfo)

Returns Pal manager settings for the specified Pal.


  • PalInfo   palInfo  - Pal to return settings for. Required parameter.

Returns:  Data

Since: 03-02-2012


Data getPermissions()

Returns a Data object (read only) containing all permissions of the enterprise profile. Possible choices are: manageUsers,manageStats,manageReseller,enterpriseOwner,manageEnterprise,manageGlobalSettings,manageServices,accounting,manageGroups,manageB2B,manageUnassignedTransactions,manageEnterpriseActivationKeys,manageStore,manageDesktopSoftware,manageSystemActivationKeys,manageZones,managePalChains,manageSSO,manageRemoteProviders,manageResources,systemAccounting,systemStatements,systemSupport,manageEnterprises,systemAdmin,systemDeleteEnterprise,systemStats

Returns:  Data

Since: 01-11-2010


String getPhone()

Returns the phone of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getPostalCode()

Returns the postal code of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getSalesId()

Returns Sales ID for this profile

Returns:  String

Since: 11-01-2011


String getState()

Returns the state of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getStateCode()

Returns the state code of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getTimeZone()

Returns the time zone of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getTimeZoneCode()

Returns the time zone code of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


String getTitle()

Returns the title or job title of the user associated with this profile.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-06-2009


ProfileTxManager getTransactionManager()

Returns the transaction manager for this profile.

Returns:  ProfileTxManager

Since: 09-22-2015


Data getTransactionManagerGroupSettings(String group)

Returns transaction manager settings for the specified Group.


  • String   group  - Group to check permissions against. Pass * for all groups.. Required parameter.

Returns:  Data

Since: 03-02-2012


String getUserId()

Returns unique ID of the user associated with this profile. Returns null if profile is not registered.

Returns:  String

Since: 06-29-2011


boolean hasConsoleAccess(String palId)

Returns true if this profile can access the specified Console Pal.


  • String   palId

Returns:  boolean

Since: 03-30-2009


boolean hasGroupPermission(String group, String permission)

Returns true the enterprise profile has the group permission. Possible choices are: accessTransaction,accessConsolePal,createTransaction,deleteTransaction,accessTransactionLogs,accessTransactionTechnical,managePals,userWebService,manageArchive,developPals


  • String   group
  • String   permission

Returns:  boolean

Since: 01-11-2010


boolean hasMobileAccess(Pal pal)

Returns true if the profile has been granted mobile access to the Pal.


  • Pal   pal Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 05-04-2011


boolean hasPermission(String permission)

Returns true the enterprise profile has the specified system permission. Possible choices are: manageUsers,manageStats,manageReseller,enterpriseOwner,manageEnterprise,manageGlobalSettings,manageServices,accounting,manageGroups,manageB2B,manageUnassignedTransactions,manageEnterpriseActivationKeys,manageStore,manageDesktopSoftware,manageSystemActivationKeys,manageZones,managePalChains,manageSSO,manageRemoteProviders,manageResources,systemAccounting,systemStatements,systemSupport,manageEnterprises,systemAdmin,systemDeleteEnterprise,systemStats


  • String   permission

Returns:  boolean

Since: 01-11-2010


boolean hasProductAccess(Pal pal, String productId)

Returns true if the profile has been granted desktop product access to the Pal.


  • Pal   pal Required parameter.
  • String   productId  - Desktop Product GUID.. Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 10-11-2011


boolean hasRole(String role, String txId)

Returns true if the profile has a role on the specified transaction.


  • String   role Required parameter.
  • String   txId Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 06-01-2009


boolean isDefaultProfile()

Returns true if this profile is the default profile for the user.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 11-29-2010


boolean isEnterprise()

Returns true if this profile is an enterprise profile.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 03-15-2007


boolean isFloatingLicense()

Returns true if the licenseType for this profile is floating.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 02-21-2022


boolean isGroupMember(String group)

Returns true if this profile is a member of the specified private group.


  • String   group

Returns:  boolean

Since: 12-18-2008


boolean isOwnedBy(Enterprise enterprise)

Returns true if the Enterprise owns this profile.


Returns:  boolean

Since: 03-02-2011


boolean isOwnedBy(String domain)

Returns true if this profile is owned by the enterprise that owns specified domain.


  • String   domain

Returns:  boolean

Since: 03-15-2007


boolean isPersonal()

Returns true if this profile is a personal profile.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 03-15-2007


boolean isSupportLicense()

Returns true if the licenseType for this profile is support.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 02-21-2022


boolean isSystem()

Returns true if this profile is a system profile.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 11-29-2010


boolean isUserLicense()

Returns true if the licenseType for this profile is user.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 02-21-2022


boolean setMobileAccess(Pal pal, String mobileConfig)

Grants or updates mobile access to this pal. The user must have mobile access enabled in security settings. The Pal must be mobile enabled. If the profile is not enterprise, the user must have user workflow access group permission.


  • Pal   pal  - Pal to grant mobile access to.. Required parameter.
  • String   mobileConfig  - Mobile configuration to use.. Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 05-04-2011


boolean setProductAccess(Pal pal, String productId)

Grants or updates desktop product access to this pal. The user must have desktop product access enabled in security settings. If the profile is enterprise, the user must have user workflow access group permission. If this method returns false, check c.getError() to determine why.


  • Pal   pal  - Pal to grant desktop product access to.. Required parameter.
  • String   productId  - Desktop Product GUID.. Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 10-11-2011


VCardFile toVCardFile(String fileName)

Exports this profile information to business card file. Profile information access permission rules apply


  • String   fileName  - file name. Should have .vcf or .vcard extension. If not, .vcf extension will be appended. Required parameter.

Returns:  VCardFile

Since: 12-13-2011

Copyright © 2006 - 2024, ContractPal, Inc. All rights reserved. API Date: Dec 30, 2024 11:45 AM