Method DetailAttachment addAttachment(File file, String name, String description) Logically attaches the contents of the given File to this packet. Returns null if doing so exceeds the transaction size. Name is the id by which the Pal developer will access the file, pass null for name to have a GUID automatically assigned. The description is what you should display to the user, it is the description of the attachment.
Returns: Attachment Since: 11-18-2008 addAuditEntry(String event, String description) Adds an audit entry to the transaction.
Since: 05-31-2007 Document addDocument(String docname) Adds the specified document to the packet
Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Document addDocument(String docname, Data data) Adds the specified document to the packet and populates using the data supplied. Executes tag and jexl business logic upon create. See also Document.reloadFromPal.
Returns: Document Since: 05-13-2008 Document addDocumentFromAttachment(Attachment file, String docname, String description) Adds the specified attachment to the packet as a document. The attachment should be PDF
Returns: Document Since: 08-27-2009 Document addDocumentFromFile(File file, String docname, String description) Adds the specified content to the packet as a document. The file should be PDF or HTML.
Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Document addDocumentFromFile(File file, String docname, String description, Data data) Adds the specified content to the packet as a document and populates the document with the data. The file should be PDF or HTML.
Returns: Document Since: 10-02-2009 Document addDocumentFromPal(String palId, String docname, String newname, String description, Data data) Adds the document from the pal specified to this packet. Returns null if the pal is not accessible or does not have the specified document or a document already exists in this packet with the given name. See TransactionController.getPalDocuments.
Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Document addDuplicateDocument(String docname, String newname, String description) Adds the specified document to the packet with the specified new name and description.
Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Document addDuplicateDocument(String docname, String newname, String description, Data data) Adds the specified document to the packet with the specified new name and description and populates using the data supplied. Executes tag and jexl business logic upon create. See also Document.reloadFromPal.
Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Wizard addDuplicateWizard(String name, String newName) Adds the specified wizard with the specified new name.
Returns: Wizard Since: 05-31-2007 boolean addGroup(String group) Associates this packet with the specified private group. Returns false if the group does not exist.
Returns: boolean Since: 12-18-2008 Wizard addWizard(String name) Adds the specified wizard.
Returns: Wizard Since: 05-31-2007 Role assignEnterpriseRole(ProfileInfo profileInfo, String role) Verifies the profile is enterprise then assigns the specified role. Returns null if the profile is not enterprise.
Returns: Role Since: 02-07-2011 Role assignEnterpriseRole(String email, String role, EnterpriseInfo enterprise) Add a user to the transaction. Give the user the specified role. Require the user to have a profile on the specified Enterprise. Returns null if the user does not have a profile on the specified enterprise. Also returns null if there is not an account associated with the specified email.
Returns: Role Since: 05-18-2011 Role assignPersonalRole(ProfileInfo profileInfo, String role) Assigns the role to the personal profile associated with the user who owns the given profile (which may or may not be personal).
Returns: Role Since: 02-07-2011 Role assignPersonalRole(String email, String role) Add a user to the transaction. Give the user the specified role and associate the user's personal profile with the role if a user exists with the given email. If not, it will return a virtual Role. When the virtual user logs in for the first time (from a link, etc.) the role/personal profile would be associated with the new user.
Returns: Role Since: 05-18-2011 Role assignRole(ProfileInfo profileInfo, String role) Assigns the role to the specified user profile.
Returns: Role Since: 05-18-2011 cancelDelete() Cancels deletion of the transaction. Since: 09-13-2011 commit() Typically changes to the packet are committed at the end of the workflow cycle. However, sometimes you need to commit before, in which case use this method. You should not use it more than once in a given workflow cycle. Since: 10-31-2011 Data createData(String name) If a data object already exists in the packet with the given name, then returns that data object, otherwise creates a new data object with the given name.
Returns: Data Since: 10-07-2009 PacketDataList createDataList(String name, String[] columns) Creates a new persistent DataList and returns it. Maximum column name size is 1000 and max column count is 300. Quietly over-rides any existing DataList with the same name. Column names cannot be null or empty.
Returns: PacketDataList Since: 07-08-2010 Document createDocument(SmartDoc smartDoc, Data data) Adds a document using the SmartDoc. See also DisplaySettings.renderSmart. Note that this method will also merge the layer. If you intend to do secondary layer manipulation, don't use this method. Instead use addDocumentFromFile.
Returns: Document Since: 06-28-2012 Document createPdfDocument(PdfFile file, String name, String description) Adds the document from the PDF file. See DisplaySettings.renderSmart and Document.setLayerPayload.
Returns: Document Since: 05-15-2018 String createPublicPin(String firstName, String lastName, Date expirationDate, int size, boolean recycle) Creates a PIN that can be used to access this transaction. The PIN size is minimum 5 and maximum 16. First and last name are required. ExpirationDate is required and must be in the future. Use of this method should be carefully reviewed since it represents open access (non authenticated user) to this transaction when used in conjunction with Web related APIs.
Returns: String Since: 11-19-2009 String createUserPin(String firstName, String lastName, String emailAddress, Date expirationDate, int size, boolean recycle) Creates a PIN that can be used to access this transaction. The PIN size is minimum 5 and maximum 16. First name, Last name, and Email are required. ExpirationDate is required and must be in the future. The user associated with this PIN must have a ContractPal account or must create an account.
Returns: String Since: 11-19-2009 boolean deleteAttachment(String name) Deletes the attachment with the given name. Returns false if no attachment exists with the name.
Returns: boolean Since: 11-26-2008 deleteData(String name) Deletes the Data object with the given name.
Since: 05-31-2007 deleteDataList(String name) Deletes the specified DataList.
Since: 08-01-2007 deleteDataLists() Deletes all DataList objects in this packet. Since: 05-14-2012 deleteDatas() Deletes all Data objects in this packet. Since: 05-14-2012 deleteDocument(String docname) Deletes the specified document.
Since: 05-31-2007 deletePin(String pin) Deletes the specified PIN.
Since: 11-19-2009 deleteProperty(String name) Deletes the specified property.
Since: 05-31-2007 deleteWizard(String name) Deletes the wizard with the given name.
Since: 05-31-2007 boolean disableSystemWorkflow() Disables/cancels execution of system workflow. If there is no system workflowassociated with this Pal, calling this method is quietly ignored. Returns: boolean Since: 12-01-2010 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job boolean enableSystemWorkflow() Marks the system workflow (if any) available for execution. If there is no system workflowassociated with this Pal, calling this method is quietly ignored. This method returns false if system workflow is not enabled by the activation key. Returns: boolean Since: 05-31-2007 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job endAccessPeriod() Ends the Access period and adjusts the Archive period according to the activation key. This may trigger auto-archive or auto-delete if enabled for the enterprise. Since: 11-30-2016 endExecutionPeriod() Immediately ends the Execution period (if in the future) and adjusts the Access and Archive periods according to the activation key. Since: 05-31-2007 boolean expandSize(int sizeInMB) Expands the transaction size by the specified amount in MB and charges the corresponding fee as a pal billing event.
Returns: boolean Since: 01-18-2017 DataList getAllAttachments() Returns a DataList containing information on attachments of this packet and all of its documents. Returns: DataList DataList Name: attachments DataList Fields: id, name, description, filename, contentType, createDate, size, type, creator, lastModifier, lastModifiedDate, htmlConversionSupported Since: 12-19-2008 Attachment getAttachment(String name) Returns the attachment identified by name. Returns null if no attachment exists with the given name.
Returns: Attachment Since: 11-18-2008 DataList getAttachments() Returns a DataList containing information on attachments of this packet. Returns: DataList DataList Name: attachments DataList Fields: id, name, description, filename, contentType, createDate, size, type, creator, lastModifier, lastModifiedDate, htmlConversionSupported Since: 11-18-2008 DataList getAuditLogs() Returns the audit log entries associated with this Packet and all of its documents. Returns: DataList DataList Name: auditlogs DataList Fields: event, description, document, date, email, role, ipaddress, palversion, useragent Since: 12-03-2008 BillingEngine getBillingEngine() Returns the billing engine for this Transaction. Throws exception if the Activation Key does not enable pal billing. Returns: BillingEngine Since: 05-30-2013 String getBillingReference() Returns the billing reference associated with the execution fee for this Packet. Deployed Packets only. Returns: String Since: 05-05-2010 String getCategory() Returns the category of this packet. Returns: String Since: 05-31-2007 String getColumn1() Returns custom column value Returns: String Since: 01-20-2010 String getColumn2() Returns custom column value Returns: String Since: 01-20-2010 String getColumn3() Returns custom column value Returns: String Since: 01-20-2010 String getColumn4() Returns custom column value Returns: String Since: 01-20-2010 Date getCreateDate() Returns the date this transaction packet was created. Returns: Date Since: 01-06-2010 Document getCurrentDocument() Returns the active document (the last one shown for signing or viewing). Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Wizard getCurrentWizard() Returns the current wizard. Returns: Wizard Since: 05-31-2007 Data getData() Returns information about this Packet. Returns: Data Since: 03-12-2012 Data getData(String name) Returns the named Data object. Modifications to the content of the Data object are automatically persisted.
Returns: Data Since: 05-31-2007 PacketDataList getDataList(String name) Returns the specified DataList if it exists, or null if it does not.
Returns: PacketDataList Since: 08-01-2007 DataList getDataLists() Returns a read-only DataList of all the DataList objects in this transaction. Returns: DataList DataList Name: datalists DataList Fields: name Since: 05-14-2012 DataList getDatas() Returns a read-only DataList of all the Data objects in this transaction. Returns: DataList DataList Name: datas DataList Fields: name Since: 05-14-2012 String getDefaultProperty(String field, String defaultValue, boolean emptyIsNull) Returns the given property. If the field does not exist, it returns the default value. If the field exists but is value is empty, this method returns defaultValue only if emptyIsNull=true.
Returns: String Since: 09-05-2008 String getDescription() Returns the description of this packet. Returns: String Since: 05-31-2007 Document getDocument(String docname) Returns the specified document. Returns null if no document exists with the given name.
Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 DataList getDocuments() Returns a read-only DataList of all the documents in this transaction. The name of the datalist is 'documents'. Returns: DataList DataList Name: documents DataList Fields: name, description, status, type, sortOrder Since: 07-12-2007 DataList getDocumentsAndSignatures() Returns a read-only DataList of all the documents and signatures in this transaction. The name of the datalist is 'documents'. Returns: DataList DataList Name: documents DataList Fields: name, description, status, id, type, role, signed, email, auditName, data, sortOrder Since: 09-15-2009 SystemDataView getEmailJobs() Returns list of email jobs for this transaction. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: TransactionPacketEmailJobs
Since: 08-26-2010 DataList getEmails() Returns all email jobs related to this Packet. Returns: DataList DataList Name: emails DataList Fields: id, email, subject, status, created, sent, attempts, nextAttempt, senderFirstName, senderLastName, senderEmail, replyTo, type, sendDate, settingsId Since: 12-03-2008 SystemDataView getEnterpriseRoles(String role, EnterpriseInfo enterpriseInfo) Returns a SystemDataView that can be used to list users who have the given role and belong to the specified enterprise. Pass * as the role to get all users.
Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: TransactionPacketEnterpriseUsers
Since: 05-18-2011 int getExpandAvailable() Returns the available expansion size in MB. Returns 0 if there is no amount left or if pricing does not permit expansion. Returns: int Since: 01-18-2017 int getExpandSize() Returns the current expansion size in MB. Returns: int Since: 01-18-2017 Document getFirstDocument() Returns the first document in the Packet or null if there are no documents. Returns: Document Since: 11-01-2012 DataList getGroups() Returns a DataList of all groups associated with this packet. Returns: DataList DataList Name: packetGroups DataList Fields: name, description, type Since: 12-18-2008 String getId() Returns the ID of the transaction. This can be used in conjunction with web services. Returns: String Since: 01-11-2008 JobManager getJobManager() Returns a JobManager specific to this Packet. Returns: JobManager Since: 06-19-2024 Date getLastCycle() Returns the date when Transaction System workflow will ran last. Returns: Date Since: 11-17-2011 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job Document getLastDocument() Returns the last document in the Packet or null if there are no documents. Returns: Document Since: 11-01-2012 int getMaxUploadSize() Returns the maximum size in KB that can be uploaded to this Packet. This will never be more than the max upload setting of the activation key. This number changes as the transaction size increases or decreases. Returns: int Since: 11-25-2008 String getName() Returns the name of this packet. Returns: String Since: 12-18-2009 Date getNextCycle() Returns the date when Transaction System workflow will run next. Returns: Date Since: 11-17-2011 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job PacketDataList getOrCreateDataList(String name, String[] columns) Creates a new persistent DataList and returns it. Maximum column name size is 1000 and max column count is 300. If a DataList with the same name already exists, the existing list will be returned but no check is made regarding column names. Column names cannot be null or empty.
Returns: PacketDataList Since: 07-08-2010 EnterpriseInfo getOwner() Returns the enterprise that owns the Transaction. Returns: EnterpriseInfo Since: 02-17-2011 String getPalId() Returns the Pal ID of this transaction. Returns: String Since: 05-31-2016 SystemDataView getPins() Returns a SystemDataView that can be used for accessing PINS associated with this Packet. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: Pins
Since: 11-19-2009 Role getProfileRole(String profileId, String role) Returns the role matching profile and role. Returns null if not found.
Returns: Role Since: 12-03-2012 Data getProperties() Returns all properties of this Packet as a read-only Data object. Changes made to these items are not persisted. Returns: Data Since: 05-31-2007 String getProperty(String name) Returns the specified property.
Returns: String Since: 05-31-2007 Document getReviewDocument() Returns the document selected for review by the user. Returns: Document Since: 05-31-2007 Role getRole(String role) Returns the (first) Role with the given role. Safe use of this method is situations where only one user will have the specified role.
Returns: Role Since: 05-18-2011 Role getRoleByEmail(String email) Returns the Role associated with this transaction and the given email.
Returns: Role Since: 05-18-2011 Role[] getRoles(String role) Returns an array of Roles with the given role. Pass * as the role to get all Roles.
Returns: Role[] Since: 05-18-2011 Date getScheduledDeleteDate() If this transaction has been scheduled for deletion, returns the date. Otherwise returns null. See scheduleDelete method. Returns: Date Since: 09-23-2009 String getSecureId() Returns the ID of the transaction, encrypted. This can be used in conjunction with Web Pal architecture. Returns: String Since: 04-10-2008 String getSecuredTxStatus() Returns the secured status. Returns: String Since: 05-16-2011 DataList getSignedDocumentsByUser(String userId) Returns a DataList of all the documents in this transaction that have been signed by the specified user. See Profile.getUserId().
Returns: DataList DataList Name: documents DataList Fields: name, description, status Since: 06-29-2011 int getSize() Returns the size of this Packet in bytes. Returns: int Since: 11-25-2008 String getStatus() Returns the status of the packet. Returns: String Since: 05-31-2007 String getSystemStatus() Returns the status of the system workflow. Returns: String Since: 05-31-2007 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job Role getUserRole(String email, String role) Returns the role matching email and role. Returns null if not found.
Returns: Role Since: 12-03-2012 SystemDataView getUserRoles(String role) Returns a SystemDataView that can be used to list users who have the given role. Pass * as the role to get all users.
Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: TransactionPacketUsers
Since: 02-07-2011 String getWebServiceStatus() Returns the status of the web service workflow. Returns: String Since: 05-31-2007 Wizard getWizard(String name) Returns the specified wizard.
Returns: Wizard Since: 05-31-2007 boolean hasDocument(String docname) Returns true if the given document exists in the packet.
Returns: boolean Since: 05-31-2007 boolean hasWizard(String name) Returns true if the packet has the specified wizard.
Returns: boolean Since: 05-31-2007 boolean isSecuredTx() Returns true if this is a secured transaction. Returns: boolean Since: 05-16-2011 boolean isStatus(String status) Returns true if the packet status is the specified status.
Returns: boolean Since: 05-31-2007 boolean isSystemError() Returns true if Transaction System workflow generated an error. Returns: boolean Since: 11-17-2011 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job boolean isSystemStatus(String status) Returns true if the system status is the specified status.
Returns: boolean Since: 05-31-2007 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job boolean isWebServiceStatus(String status) Returns true if the web service status is the specified status.
Returns: boolean Since: 05-31-2007 removeGroup(String group) Removes the packet from the specified private group.
Since: 12-18-2008 removeSecuredTxStatus() Removes the secured status, making this no longer a secured transaction. Since: 05-16-2011 revokeRoles(String role) Revokes the role from all users who have it
Since: 04-20-2018 boolean schedule(Date date) Schedules the system workflow to run on the given date. Returns false if the given date is more than 5 minutes in the past or exceeds the access period of the transaction or if system workflow is not enabled by the activation key.
Returns: boolean Since: 12-01-2010 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job boolean scheduleDelete(Date date, String dataSetNames) Schedules this transaction to be deleted on the specified date. If dataSetNames is not null, the related record in the identified dataSets will also be deleted. This method returns false if the activation key does not permit deletions. DataSetNames should be null or a comma seperated list of dataSet names.
Returns: boolean Since: 09-03-2008 setBillingReference(String reference) Sets the billing reference associated with the execution fee for this Packet. Deployed Packets only.
Since: 05-05-2010 setCategory(String category) Sets the category of this packet. Maximum length is 80 characters.
Since: 05-31-2007 setColumn1(String value) Sets custom column value
Since: 01-20-2010 setColumn2(String value) Sets custom column value
Since: 01-20-2010 setColumn3(String value) Sets custom column value
Since: 01-20-2010 setColumn4(String value) Sets custom column value
Since: 01-20-2010 setData(String name, Data data) Saves the Data object with the given name, over-writing any existing Data object with the same name.
Since: 05-31-2007 setDataList(PacketDataList list) Saves the specified DataList, over-writing any other table that might exist with the same name.
Since: 08-01-2007 setDescription(String description) Sets the description of this packet. Maximum length is 128 characters.
Since: 05-31-2007 setName(String name) Sets the name of this packet. Maximum length is 80 characters.
Since: 12-18-2009 setProperty(String name, String value) Sets the specified property.
Since: 05-31-2007 setSecuredTxStatus(String securedStatus) Sets the secured status.
Since: 05-16-2011 setStatus(String status) Sets the status of the packet.
Since: 05-31-2007 setSystemStatus(String status) Sets the system status of the packet.
Since: 05-31-2007 This method has been deprecated since 06-19-2024. Use JobManager Job setWebServiceStatus(String status) Sets the web service status of the packet.
Since: 05-31-2007 File toFile(String fileName, boolean encrypt, String password) Extracts the transaction packet XML along with all documents, attachments and wizards and wraps with a digital signature 'tamper seal'. An audit entry is recorded whenever this method is called. If encrypt is true, password is required and the contents will be PGP encrypted with the password. Note that this method has a 4MB packet size limit unless called from system workflow. Beware there is a considerable amount of public and private information in the contents of a transaction packet. Use this method with discretion.
Returns: File Since: 05-11-2011 Payload toPayload() Extracts the properties, Data, and DataLists of this transaction packet as a Payload object. Changes are not saved. Returns: Payload Since: 05-16-2011 String toString() Returns a description of this object. Returns: String Since: 06-14-2007 updatePin(String pin, Date newExpirationDate) Updates the specified PIN. Expiration date must be in the future
Since: 11-19-2009 |
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