Console System API

RuntimePal extends Pal

Other API in Package


Console Webservice

Internal Console

Method Summary
boolean checkTransactionAccess(String profileId)

Returns true if the Pal is accessible by the identified profile.

Tunnel connectTunnel(String key)

Connects a runtime tunnel (memory only) that is not saved to the database.

SSOToken createAuthToken(String firstName, String lastName, String email, String ssoToken)

Registers the user account with the cloud. Returns null if the email or token is already registered. Requires cloud level configuration and partner settings. For optimal security, the email address should be validated using other means before calling this method. No validation is done on the validity of the email other than checking for uniqueness.

Cube createCube(String name, int size)

Creates a cube of the specified size. Requires cube enabled in activation key. This is restricted by the overall size of all other cubes compared to the cube storage allotted to the enterprise.

DataViewBuilder createDataViewBuilder(boolean suppressLimit)

Returns new DataViewBuilder for constructing runtime DataViews.

Email createEmail(String name)

Creates an Email container using the specified template found in this pal.

String createPalTunnel(String name, String scope, String workflow)

Creates a tunnel for this pal and returns the key. Throws exception if the name already exists.

String createRemoteReturnUrl(Data settings)

Provides a URL that can be used with the c:remote tag. The parameters action or jsHandler are required. If both are used, the jsHandler client-side function should return true or false. True will submit the action. False will not and the jsHandler function must handle navigation. If the action parameter is the only supplied parameter, the page will be submitted to workflow with the action and all data provided by the remote service. If staticPage is used, the parameters are Base64 encoded and the URL can be used indefinitely, otherwise the URL is encrypted and has a life span of 30 minutes.

String createRemoteReturnUrl(String remoteProvider, String action, String jsHandler, boolean staticPage)

Provides a URL that can be used with the c:remote tag. The parameters action or jsHandler are required. If both are used, the jsHandler client-side function should return true or false. True will submit the action. False will not and the jsHandler function must handle navigation. If the action parameter is the only supplied parameter, the page will be submitted to workflow with the action and all data provided by the remote service. If staticPage is used, the parameters are Base64 encoded and the URL can be used indefinitely, otherwise the URL is encrypted and has a life span of 30 minutes.

SafeBox createSafeBox(int expireInMinutes, boolean canPut, boolean canDelete)

Creates a SafeBox.

Tunnel createTunnel(String name, String key)

Creates and returns the tunnel. Name must be unique. This method is used for creating tunnels against a global target. Configuration information is contained within the encrypted key.

  deleteMountPoint(String mount)

Deletes the specified mount point.

  deletePalTunnel(String name)

Deletes the inbound pal tunnel exists with the given name.

  deleteTunnel(String name)

Deletes the specified tunnel.

SSOToken findAuthToken(String guid)

Returns the SSOToken identified by guid and associated with this pal

PalActivationKeyInfo getActivationKeyInfo()

Returns the PalActivationKeyInfo for the Pal.

Fragment getAjaxFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using the fragment in an ajax response.

File getAttachment(String attachment)

Returns Pal attachment as File object.

SSOToken getAuthToken(String ssoToken)

Returns the SSOToken identified by ssoToken and associated with this pal

File getAutoScript(String name)

Returns automated script of this pal as File. Returns null if script with specified name is not available

BillingEngine getBillingEngine()

Returns the billing engine for this Pal. Returns null if the Activation Key does not enable pal billing.

CacheManager getCacheManager()

Returns the CacheManager for this Pal.

String getCategory()

Returns the category of the Pal.

String getChainId()

Returns the pal's chain id, if is using a PalChain.

Fragment getChartFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using the fragment for rendering a chart. Presumably the content is SVG. See also Fragment.toImage()

CacheManager getCloudCacheManager()

Returns the CacheManager for this Pal with an access level of cloud. Any Pal in the cloud can access and modify cached objects. Use this with caution.

LockManager getCloudLockManager()

Returns the LockManager for this Pal with an access level of cloud.

String getConsoleLoginUrl()

Returns the console login url for this Pal.

ConsoleManager getConsoleManager()

Returns the ConsoleManager for this Pal. Not supported in web workflow or module pals.

Data getConsolePacketProperties()

Returns all Console Packet properties from the Pal as a read-only Data object. Changes made to these items are not persisted.

Data getConsoleUserPacketProperties()

Returns all Console User Packet properties from the Pal as a read-only Data object. Changes made to these items are not persisted.

Cube getCube(String name)

Returns the specified cube or null if it does not exist. Requires cube enabled in activation key.

DataList getCubes(int offset, int count)

Returns a list of cubes

Data getData()

Returns Data with top level information about this Pal.

Data getData(String name)

Returns an editable, non persistent Data object identified by name. Returns null if no Data object exists.

DataList getDataList(String name)

Returns the DataList object identified by name. Returns null if no DataList object exists.

PacketDataList getDataLists()

Returns a list of DataList object names defined in this Pal.

PacketDataList getDataNames()

Returns a list of Data object names defined in this Pal.

DataSet getDataSet(String datasetName)

Returns the DataSet identified by name searching first the pal, then the pal chain and skin pal (if any). New records with auto-populate pal id columns will be associated with the runtime pal. Throws exception if the dataset cannot be found.

DataList getDataSets()

Returns a list of DataSet names are accessible by this Pal.

DataView getDataView(String name)

Returns the DataView identified by name. Returns null if no DataView exists.

DataList getDataViews()

Returns a list of DataView names for this Pal.

String getDescription()

Returns the description of the Pal.

File getDocument(String name)

Returns document of this pal as File. Returns null if document with specified name is not available

Fragment getDocumentAsFragment(String documentName)

Returns the specified document as a fragment.

Fragment getDocumentFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using the fragment in a document. See Document.addFragment.

File getEmail(String name)

Returns email of this pal as File. Returns null if template with specified name is not available

CacheManager getEnterpriseCacheManager()

Returns the CacheManager for this Pal with an access level of enterprise. Any Pal in the enterprise can access and modify cached objects. Use this with caution.

String getEnterpriseId()

Returns the ID of enterprise that owns this pal. Storage of this ID should be large enough to handle 70 characters.

LockManager getEnterpriseLockManager()

Returns the LockManager for this Pal with an access level of enterprise.

Fragment getExportFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using it for an export.

DataList getGroups()

Returns a DataList of all groups this pal is a member of.

Fragment getHeadFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns specified head fragment. See Chunk API.

String getId()

Returns the pal id.

ImageFile getImage(String name)

Returns image of this pal as File. Returns null if image with specified name is not available

JobManager getJobManager()

Returns the job manager associated with this Pal.

DataSet getLocalDataSet(String datasetName)

Returns the DataSet identified by name searching only the pal and it's skin pal (if any). New records with auto-populate pal id columns will be associated with the pal. Throws exception if the dataset cannot be found.

LockManager getLockManager()

Returns the LockManager for this Pal.

ImageFile getLogo()

Returns the logo, if any, associated with this pal.

MailBox getMailBox()

Returns the active MailBox associated with this Pal (if any).

MailBox getMailBox(StorageProvider provider)

Returns the active MailBox associated the target storage provider.

MailBox getMailBox(String settingsId)

Returns the active MailBox associated with this Pal and identified with the email settings.

MessageManager getMessageManager()
⚠Deprecated since 05-23-2022. No replacement. Use datasets or cubes to build a custom message service

Returns the job manager associated with this Pal.

Modules getModules()

Returns access to the modules associated with this pal, if any.

DataList getMountPoints()

Returns the web mount points for this pal. This will not be null but will be empty if there are no mount points set.

String getName()

Returns the name of the Pal.

Render getPage(String page)

Returns a Render object for the given page.

PacketDataList getPalAttachments()

Returns list of attachments for this pal

PacketDataList getPalAutoScripts()

Returns list of automation scripts for this pal

PacketDataList getPalDocuments()

Returns list of documents for this pal

PacketDataList getPalEmails()

Returns list of emails for this pal

PacketDataList getPalFragments()

Returns list of fragments for this pal

PacketDataList getPalImages()

Returns list of images for this pal

PacketDataList getPalPages()

Returns a list of Page object names defined in this Pal.

PacketDataList getPalScripts()

Returns list of scripts for this pal

PacketDataList getPalStyles()

Returns list of styles for this pal

PacketDataList getPalWizards()

Returns list of wizards for this pal

PacketDataList getPalWorkflows()

Returns a list of workflow files defined in this Pal.

PdfFile getPdfDocument(String name)

Returns pdf document of this pal as File. Returns null if document with specified name is not available is not pdf document

Socket getPluginSocket(String pluginName)

Returns socket for communication with the specified plugin.

String getReadme()

Returns the Readme for this Pal or null if there is not one. This method does not chain or inherit the Readme content from elsewhere.

DataList getReleaseNotes()

Returns release notes for this pal

SystemDataView getSSOTokens()

Returns sso tokens associated with this pal.

SafeBox getSafeBox(String safeBoxId)

Returns the SafeBox.

DataView getSavedDataView(String name)

Returns the DataView identified by name. Returns null if no DataView exists. This method will persist the dataview structure with the underlying storage which may result in faster queries

String getScript(String scriptFile)

Returns the content of the script file as a string. See Response.addJavascript.

String getSecureWebUrl(String endPoint)

Returns the secure web url for this pal the an optional endpoint (for example: Returns null if there is no web workflow for this pal.

Fragment getServiceFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using it for a ServiceRequest.

ShellPalManager getShellPalManager()

Returns the ShellPalManager for this Pal if any. Throws error if not permitted by the pal type, zone, or activation key.

SiteBuilder getSiteBuilder()

Returns a site builder for managing a web app associated with this pal. Returns null if this pal does not have a web pal component.

SmartDocManager getSmartDocManager()

Returns the smart doc manager associated with the running Pal.

StorageProvider getStorageProvider()

Returns the default storage provider, if any, connected to this pal.

StorageProvider getStorageProvider(String name)

Returns the storage provider identified by name.

String getStoreId()

If the Pal is published in the store, returns the storeId.

File getStyle(String name)

Returns style of this pal as File. Returns null if style with specified name is not available

Data getTransactionProperties()

Returns all transaction properties from the Pal as a read-only Data object.

Tunnel getTunnel(String name)

Returns the specified tunnel or null if it does not exist.

String getVersion()

Returns the version of the Pal.

Socket getWebSocket(String palId)

Returns socket for direct communication with a web pal workflow

String getWebUrl()

Returns the public URL for this Pal.

Fragment getWizardFragment(String wizard, String dialog, String classname)

Returns specified wizard and optionally a specific dialog. This removes all wizard specific tags and returns just the XHTML.

ZoneAccess getZoneAccess()

Returns the ZoneAccess for this Pal. If Web access is not enabled for the zone, this method will return null in web workflow.

boolean hasFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns true if the specified fragment exists.

boolean hasLogo()

Returns true if the Pal has a logo associated with it.

boolean hasPalTunnel(String name)

Returns true if an inbound pal tunnel exists with the given name.

boolean hasWorkflow(String workflowName)

Returns true if the specified workflow exists.

boolean isConsoleModule()

Returns true if this Pal has a console module.

boolean isLinked()

Returns true if the Pal is a linked Pal.

boolean isOwnedBy(Enterprise enterprise)

Returns true if the Enterprise owns this pal.

boolean isShadow()

Returns true if the Pal is a shadow Pal.

boolean isShell()

Returns true if the Pal is a Shell Pal.

boolean isTestMode()

Returns true if the Pal is being executed in test mode.

boolean isTransactionModule()

Returns true if this Pal has a transaction module.

boolean isWebModule()

Returns true if this Pal has a web module.

Tunnel openTunnel()

Opens a tunnel to the default tunnel workflow of this pal. This works only between pals within the same enterprise and zone.

String publishRemoteStyle(String remoteProvider, String name)

Provides a URL endpoint for a CSS file that can be embedded in a remote provider solution. This URL has a lifespan of 30 minutes

  setMountPoint(String mount, String workflow, String backup)

Sets a web mount point for this pal. The update may take up to 2 minutes to flush to all locations. Backup, if present is used if the specified workflow is not found in the pal. Such would be the case, for example, in a module pal which may or may not be attached to the runtime pal.

  setMountPoints(DataList mountPoints)

Sets web mount points for this pal. The update may take up to 2 minutes to flush to all locations. The datalist should have three columns: mount, workflow, and backup. Backup, if present is used if the specified workflow is not found in the pal. Such would be the case, for example, in a module pal which may or may not be attached to the runtime pal. The list must have at least 2 rows. The first should have a mount point of / and the last should have a mount point of *.

String toString()

Returns a description of this object.

Method Detail

boolean checkTransactionAccess(String profileId)

Returns true if the Pal is accessible by the identified profile.


  • String   profileId Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 09-25-2009


Tunnel connectTunnel(String key)

Connects a runtime tunnel (memory only) that is not saved to the database.


  • String   key Required parameter.

Returns:  Tunnel

Since: 08-28-2020


SSOToken createAuthToken(String firstName, String lastName, String email, String ssoToken)

Registers the user account with the cloud. Returns null if the email or token is already registered. Requires cloud level configuration and partner settings. For optimal security, the email address should be validated using other means before calling this method. No validation is done on the validity of the email other than checking for uniqueness.


  • String   firstName Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 30
  • String   lastName Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 30
  • String   email Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 255
  • String   ssoToken Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 255

Returns:  SSOToken

Since: 01-11-2021


Cube createCube(String name, int size)

Creates a cube of the specified size. Requires cube enabled in activation key. This is restricted by the overall size of all other cubes compared to the cube storage allotted to the enterprise.


  • String   name Required parameter.
  • int   size  - size in MB of the cube. Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 1024

Returns:  Cube

Since: 07-24-2019


DataViewBuilder createDataViewBuilder(boolean suppressLimit)

Returns new DataViewBuilder for constructing runtime DataViews.


  • boolean   suppressLimit  - suppressLimit=true should typically be used.

Returns:  DataViewBuilder

Since: 08-18-2016


Email createEmail(String name)

Creates an Email container using the specified template found in this pal.


  • String   name Required parameter.

Returns:  Email

Since: 02-10-2022


String createPalTunnel(String name, String scope, String workflow)

Creates a tunnel for this pal and returns the key. Throws exception if the name already exists.


  • String   name Maximum allowed size of parameter: 100
  • String   scope  - Pal,Enterprise,Cloud,Global are the allowed values. Required parameter.
  • String   workflow

Returns:  String

Since: 08-28-2020


String createRemoteReturnUrl(Data settings)

Provides a URL that can be used with the c:remote tag. The parameters action or jsHandler are required. If both are used, the jsHandler client-side function should return true or false. True will submit the action. False will not and the jsHandler function must handle navigation. If the action parameter is the only supplied parameter, the page will be submitted to workflow with the action and all data provided by the remote service. If staticPage is used, the parameters are Base64 encoded and the URL can be used indefinitely, otherwise the URL is encrypted and has a life span of 30 minutes.


  • Data   settings  - remoteProvider, action, jsHandler, staticPage[true,false], frameStrategy:[top,parent], opener:[true,false]. Required parameter.

Returns:  String

Since: 01-31-2022


String createRemoteReturnUrl(String remoteProvider, String action, String jsHandler, boolean staticPage)

Provides a URL that can be used with the c:remote tag. The parameters action or jsHandler are required. If both are used, the jsHandler client-side function should return true or false. True will submit the action. False will not and the jsHandler function must handle navigation. If the action parameter is the only supplied parameter, the page will be submitted to workflow with the action and all data provided by the remote service. If staticPage is used, the parameters are Base64 encoded and the URL can be used indefinitely, otherwise the URL is encrypted and has a life span of 30 minutes.


  • String   remoteProvider  - URL of remoteProvider which must be registered on the system. Required parameter.
  • String   action
  • String   jsHandler
  • boolean   staticPage Required parameter.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-16-2013


SafeBox createSafeBox(int expireInMinutes, boolean canPut, boolean canDelete)

Creates a SafeBox.


  • int   expireInMinutes  - Maximum lifespan is 1 week.. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 10080
  • boolean   canPut  - Client can put files in this box..
  • boolean   canDelete  - Client can delete files from this box..

Returns:  SafeBox

Since: 11-17-2022


Tunnel createTunnel(String name, String key)

Creates and returns the tunnel. Name must be unique. This method is used for creating tunnels against a global target. Configuration information is contained within the encrypted key.


  • String   name Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 100
  • String   key Required parameter.

Returns:  Tunnel

Since: 06-18-2018


deleteMountPoint(String mount)

Deletes the specified mount point.


  • String   mount Required parameter.

Since: 08-18-2021


deletePalTunnel(String name)

Deletes the inbound pal tunnel exists with the given name.


  • String   name Maximum allowed size of parameter: 100

Since: 09-30-2020


deleteTunnel(String name)

Deletes the specified tunnel.


  • String   name Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 100

Since: 04-02-2020


SSOToken findAuthToken(String guid)

Returns the SSOToken identified by guid and associated with this pal


  • String   guid Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 80

Returns:  SSOToken

Since: 01-11-2021


PalActivationKeyInfo getActivationKeyInfo()

Returns the PalActivationKeyInfo for the Pal.

Returns:  PalActivationKeyInfo

Since: 04-28-2010


Fragment getAjaxFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using the fragment in an ajax response.


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 08-23-2010


File getAttachment(String attachment)

Returns Pal attachment as File object.


  • String   attachment

Returns:  File

Since: 04-28-2010


SSOToken getAuthToken(String ssoToken)

Returns the SSOToken identified by ssoToken and associated with this pal


  • String   ssoToken Required parameter. Maximum allowed size of parameter: 255

Returns:  SSOToken

Since: 01-11-2021


File getAutoScript(String name)

Returns automated script of this pal as File. Returns null if script with specified name is not available


  • String   name  - resource name. Required parameter.

Returns:  File

Since: 03-02-2018


BillingEngine getBillingEngine()

Returns the billing engine for this Pal. Returns null if the Activation Key does not enable pal billing.

Returns:  BillingEngine

Since: 05-30-2013


CacheManager getCacheManager()

Returns the CacheManager for this Pal.

Returns:  CacheManager

Since: 09-04-2013


String getCategory()

Returns the category of the Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 09-25-2009


String getChainId()

Returns the pal's chain id, if is using a PalChain.

Returns:  String

Since: 04-14-2011


Fragment getChartFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using the fragment for rendering a chart. Presumably the content is SVG. See also Fragment.toImage()


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 08-23-2010


CacheManager getCloudCacheManager()

Returns the CacheManager for this Pal with an access level of cloud. Any Pal in the cloud can access and modify cached objects. Use this with caution.

Returns:  CacheManager

Since: 02-24-2017


LockManager getCloudLockManager()

Returns the LockManager for this Pal with an access level of cloud.

Returns:  LockManager

Since: 02-24-2017


String getConsoleLoginUrl()

Returns the console login url for this Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 10-07-2010


ConsoleManager getConsoleManager()

Returns the ConsoleManager for this Pal. Not supported in web workflow or module pals.

Returns:  ConsoleManager

Since: 10-04-2013


Data getConsolePacketProperties()

Returns all Console Packet properties from the Pal as a read-only Data object. Changes made to these items are not persisted.

Returns:  Data

Since: 04-28-2010


Data getConsoleUserPacketProperties()

Returns all Console User Packet properties from the Pal as a read-only Data object. Changes made to these items are not persisted.

Returns:  Data

Since: 04-28-2010


Cube getCube(String name)

Returns the specified cube or null if it does not exist. Requires cube enabled in activation key.


  • String   name Required parameter.

Returns:  Cube

Since: 07-24-2019


DataList getCubes(int offset, int count)

Returns a list of cubes


  • int   offset  - 0 based.
  • int   count Maximum allowed size of parameter: 1000

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: cubes
DataList Fields: name, remote, createDate, runDate, dropped, dropDate, statDate, maxSize, currentSize, cellCount, sliceCount, dataCount, listCount, payloadCount, fileCount, localSize, remoteSize, sizeLocked, percentUsed

Since: 07-24-2019


Data getData()

Returns Data with top level information about this Pal.

Returns:  Data

Since: 05-13-2015


Data getData(String name)

Returns an editable, non persistent Data object identified by name. Returns null if no Data object exists.


  • String   name

Returns:  Data

Since: 04-28-2010


DataList getDataList(String name)

Returns the DataList object identified by name. Returns null if no DataList object exists.


  • String   name

Returns:  DataList

Since: 04-28-2010


PacketDataList getDataLists()

Returns a list of DataList object names defined in this Pal.

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: datalists
DataList Fields: name, location

Since: 04-28-2010


PacketDataList getDataNames()

Returns a list of Data object names defined in this Pal.

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: names
DataList Fields: name, location

Since: 04-28-2010


DataSet getDataSet(String datasetName)

Returns the DataSet identified by name searching first the pal, then the pal chain and skin pal (if any). New records with auto-populate pal id columns will be associated with the runtime pal. Throws exception if the dataset cannot be found.


  • String   datasetName Required parameter.

Returns:  DataSet

Since: 04-28-2010


DataList getDataSets()

Returns a list of DataSet names are accessible by this Pal.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: tables
DataList Fields: table

Since: 04-28-2010


DataView getDataView(String name)

Returns the DataView identified by name. Returns null if no DataView exists.


  • String   name

Returns:  DataView

Since: 04-28-2010


DataList getDataViews()

Returns a list of DataView names for this Pal.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: views
DataList Fields: name

Since: 04-28-2010


String getDescription()

Returns the description of the Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 09-25-2009


File getDocument(String name)

Returns document of this pal as File. Returns null if document with specified name is not available


  • String   name  - resource name. Required parameter.

Returns:  File

Since: 04-04-2011


Fragment getDocumentAsFragment(String documentName)

Returns the specified document as a fragment.


  • String   documentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 08-23-2010


Fragment getDocumentFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using the fragment in a document. See Document.addFragment.


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 08-23-2010


File getEmail(String name)

Returns email of this pal as File. Returns null if template with specified name is not available


  • String   name  - resource name. Required parameter.

Returns:  File

Since: 04-04-2011


CacheManager getEnterpriseCacheManager()

Returns the CacheManager for this Pal with an access level of enterprise. Any Pal in the enterprise can access and modify cached objects. Use this with caution.

Returns:  CacheManager

Since: 02-24-2017


String getEnterpriseId()

Returns the ID of enterprise that owns this pal. Storage of this ID should be large enough to handle 70 characters.

Returns:  String

Since: 08-20-2020


LockManager getEnterpriseLockManager()

Returns the LockManager for this Pal with an access level of enterprise.

Returns:  LockManager

Since: 02-24-2017


Fragment getExportFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using it for an export.


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 08-23-2010


DataList getGroups()

Returns a DataList of all groups this pal is a member of.

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: palGroups
DataList Fields: name, description

Since: 03-19-2011


Fragment getHeadFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns specified head fragment. See Chunk API.


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 01-27-2020


String getId()

Returns the pal id.

Returns:  String

Since: 05-22-2010


ImageFile getImage(String name)

Returns image of this pal as File. Returns null if image with specified name is not available


  • String   name  - resource name. Required parameter.

Returns:  ImageFile

Since: 04-04-2011


JobManager getJobManager()

Returns the job manager associated with this Pal.

Returns:  JobManager

Since: 12-21-2012


DataSet getLocalDataSet(String datasetName)

Returns the DataSet identified by name searching only the pal and it's skin pal (if any). New records with auto-populate pal id columns will be associated with the pal. Throws exception if the dataset cannot be found.


  • String   datasetName Required parameter.

Returns:  DataSet

Since: 05-12-2010


LockManager getLockManager()

Returns the LockManager for this Pal.

Returns:  LockManager

Since: 10-11-2015


ImageFile getLogo()

Returns the logo, if any, associated with this pal.

Returns:  ImageFile

Since: 05-15-2023


MailBox getMailBox()

Returns the active MailBox associated with this Pal (if any).

Returns:  MailBox

Since: 12-06-2013


MailBox getMailBox(StorageProvider provider)

Returns the active MailBox associated the target storage provider.


Returns:  MailBox

Since: 11-29-2021


MailBox getMailBox(String settingsId)

Returns the active MailBox associated with this Pal and identified with the email settings.


  • String   settingsId  - Email Settings ID. Required parameter.

Returns:  MailBox

Since: 12-06-2013


MessageManager getMessageManager()

Returns the job manager associated with this Pal.

Returns:  MessageManager

Since: 01-10-2013

This method has been deprecated since 05-23-2022. No replacement. Use datasets or cubes to build a custom message service


Modules getModules()

Returns access to the modules associated with this pal, if any.

Returns:  Modules

Since: 07-03-2019


DataList getMountPoints()

Returns the web mount points for this pal. This will not be null but will be empty if there are no mount points set.

Returns:  DataList

Since: 04-13-2020


String getName()

Returns the name of the Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 09-25-2009


Render getPage(String page)

Returns a Render object for the given page.


  • String   page Required parameter.

Returns:  Render

Since: 08-07-2015


PacketDataList getPalAttachments()

Returns list of attachments for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: attachments
DataList Fields: name, type, filename, location

Since: 04-22-2010


PacketDataList getPalAutoScripts()

Returns list of automation scripts for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: autoScripts
DataList Fields: name, type, filename, location

Since: 03-02-2018


PacketDataList getPalDocuments()

Returns list of documents for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: documents
DataList Fields: name, description, type, filename, docSize, location

Since: 04-22-2010


PacketDataList getPalEmails()

Returns list of emails for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: emails
DataList Fields: name, plainText, location

Since: 04-08-2011


PacketDataList getPalFragments()

Returns list of fragments for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: fragments
DataList Fields: name, type, location

Since: 04-22-2010


PacketDataList getPalImages()

Returns list of images for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: images
DataList Fields: name, type, filename, location

Since: 04-22-2010


PacketDataList getPalPages()

Returns a list of Page object names defined in this Pal.

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: pages
DataList Fields: name, location, default, type

Since: 01-26-2016


PacketDataList getPalScripts()

Returns list of scripts for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: scripts
DataList Fields: name, type, filename, location

Since: 08-15-2011


PacketDataList getPalStyles()

Returns list of styles for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: styles
DataList Fields: name, filename, location

Since: 04-08-2011


PacketDataList getPalWizards()

Returns list of wizards for this pal

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: wizards
DataList Fields: name, location

Since: 07-16-2010


PacketDataList getPalWorkflows()

Returns a list of workflow files defined in this Pal.

Returns:  PacketDataList

DataList Name: workflows
DataList Fields: name, location, default, type, filename

Since: 04-18-2011


PdfFile getPdfDocument(String name)

Returns pdf document of this pal as File. Returns null if document with specified name is not available is not pdf document


  • String   name  - resource name. Required parameter.

Returns:  PdfFile

Since: 06-23-2011


Socket getPluginSocket(String pluginName)

Returns socket for communication with the specified plugin.


  • String   pluginName Required parameter.

Returns:  Socket

Since: 11-04-2023


String getReadme()

Returns the Readme for this Pal or null if there is not one. This method does not chain or inherit the Readme content from elsewhere.

Returns:  String

Since: 05-24-2011


DataList getReleaseNotes()

Returns release notes for this pal

Returns:  DataList

DataList Name: releaseNotes
DataList Fields: timestamp, developer, notes

Since: 12-01-2011


SystemDataView getSSOTokens()

Returns sso tokens associated with this pal.

Returns:  SystemDataView

Since: 07-09-2021


SafeBox getSafeBox(String safeBoxId)

Returns the SafeBox.


  • String   safeBoxId Required parameter.

Returns:  SafeBox

Since: 11-17-2022


DataView getSavedDataView(String name)

Returns the DataView identified by name. Returns null if no DataView exists. This method will persist the dataview structure with the underlying storage which may result in faster queries


  • String   name Required parameter.

Returns:  DataView

Since: 06-26-2017


String getScript(String scriptFile)

Returns the content of the script file as a string. See Response.addJavascript.


  • String   scriptFile Required parameter.

Returns:  String

Since: 11-01-2010


String getSecureWebUrl(String endPoint)

Returns the secure web url for this pal the an optional endpoint (for example: Returns null if there is no web workflow for this pal.


  • String   endPoint

Returns:  String

Since: 11-16-2015


Fragment getServiceFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns the specified fragment with the intention of using it for a ServiceRequest.


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 08-23-2010


ShellPalManager getShellPalManager()

Returns the ShellPalManager for this Pal if any. Throws error if not permitted by the pal type, zone, or activation key.

Returns:  ShellPalManager

Since: 09-12-2017


SiteBuilder getSiteBuilder()

Returns a site builder for managing a web app associated with this pal. Returns null if this pal does not have a web pal component.

Returns:  SiteBuilder

Since: 07-07-2023


SmartDocManager getSmartDocManager()

Returns the smart doc manager associated with the running Pal.

Returns:  SmartDocManager

Since: 11-09-2012


StorageProvider getStorageProvider()

Returns the default storage provider, if any, connected to this pal.

Returns:  StorageProvider

Since: 01-07-2021


StorageProvider getStorageProvider(String name)

Returns the storage provider identified by name.


  • String   name  - provider name. Required parameter.

Returns:  StorageProvider

Since: 11-26-2020


String getStoreId()

If the Pal is published in the store, returns the storeId.

Returns:  String

Since: 09-25-2009


File getStyle(String name)

Returns style of this pal as File. Returns null if style with specified name is not available


  • String   name  - resource name. Required parameter.

Returns:  File

Since: 04-04-2011


Data getTransactionProperties()

Returns all transaction properties from the Pal as a read-only Data object.

Returns:  Data

Since: 04-28-2010


Tunnel getTunnel(String name)

Returns the specified tunnel or null if it does not exist.


  • String   name Required parameter.

Returns:  Tunnel

Since: 06-18-2018


String getVersion()

Returns the version of the Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 10-27-2009


Socket getWebSocket(String palId)

Returns socket for direct communication with a web pal workflow


  • String   palId Required parameter.

Returns:  Socket

Since: 11-04-2023


String getWebUrl()

Returns the public URL for this Pal.

Returns:  String

Since: 01-26-2010


Fragment getWizardFragment(String wizard, String dialog, String classname)

Returns specified wizard and optionally a specific dialog. This removes all wizard specific tags and returns just the XHTML.


  • String   wizard Required parameter.
  • String   dialog
  • String   classname

Returns:  Fragment

Since: 01-05-2023


ZoneAccess getZoneAccess()

Returns the ZoneAccess for this Pal. If Web access is not enabled for the zone, this method will return null in web workflow.

Returns:  ZoneAccess

Since: 10-26-2010


boolean hasFragment(String fragmentName)

Returns true if the specified fragment exists.


  • String   fragmentName Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 08-23-2010


boolean hasLogo()

Returns true if the Pal has a logo associated with it.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 10-27-2009


boolean hasPalTunnel(String name)

Returns true if an inbound pal tunnel exists with the given name.


  • String   name Maximum allowed size of parameter: 100

Returns:  boolean

Since: 09-30-2020


boolean hasWorkflow(String workflowName)

Returns true if the specified workflow exists.


  • String   workflowName Required parameter.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 12-18-2020


boolean isConsoleModule()

Returns true if this Pal has a console module.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 05-20-2010


boolean isLinked()

Returns true if the Pal is a linked Pal.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 10-27-2009


boolean isOwnedBy(Enterprise enterprise)

Returns true if the Enterprise owns this pal.


Returns:  boolean

Since: 04-02-2020


boolean isShadow()

Returns true if the Pal is a shadow Pal.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 10-27-2009


boolean isShell()

Returns true if the Pal is a Shell Pal.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 07-13-2011


boolean isTestMode()

Returns true if the Pal is being executed in test mode.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 10-27-2009


boolean isTransactionModule()

Returns true if this Pal has a transaction module.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 05-20-2010


boolean isWebModule()

Returns true if this Pal has a web module.

Returns:  boolean

Since: 05-20-2010


Tunnel openTunnel()

Opens a tunnel to the default tunnel workflow of this pal. This works only between pals within the same enterprise and zone.

Returns:  Tunnel

Since: 06-11-2019


String publishRemoteStyle(String remoteProvider, String name)

Provides a URL endpoint for a CSS file that can be embedded in a remote provider solution. This URL has a lifespan of 30 minutes


  • String   remoteProvider  - URL of remoteProvider which must be registered on the system. Required parameter.
  • String   name  - Name of css file in the pal.. Required parameter.

Returns:  String

Since: 07-16-2013


setMountPoint(String mount, String workflow, String backup)

Sets a web mount point for this pal. The update may take up to 2 minutes to flush to all locations. Backup, if present is used if the specified workflow is not found in the pal. Such would be the case, for example, in a module pal which may or may not be attached to the runtime pal.


  • String   mount Required parameter.
  • String   workflow Required parameter.
  • String   backup

Since: 08-18-2021


setMountPoints(DataList mountPoints)

Sets web mount points for this pal. The update may take up to 2 minutes to flush to all locations. The datalist should have three columns: mount, workflow, and backup. Backup, if present is used if the specified workflow is not found in the pal. Such would be the case, for example, in a module pal which may or may not be attached to the runtime pal. The list must have at least 2 rows. The first should have a mount point of / and the last should have a mount point of *.


  • DataList   mountPoints Required parameter.

Since: 04-13-2020


String toString()

Returns a description of this object.

Returns:  String

Since: 11-19-2015

Copyright © 2006 - 2024, ContractPal, Inc. All rights reserved. API Date: Dec 03, 2024 10:24 AM