Method DetailDataViewCriteria addAnd() Adds an AND operator to the query. Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addBetween(String column, String lower, String higher) Include records where column is between and includes the two constraints. The values will be cast to the correct type. The behavior depends on the type of data being operated on. Dates without a time value will be treated as midnight, so between 11-12-2008 and 11-13-2008 will return all entries on 11-12-2008. To include those for 11-13-2008 you would use 11-12-2008 and 11-14-2008 or 11-12-2008 and 11-13-2008 23:59. For string comparisons, between 'A' and 'C' would include 'A', 'B', and 'C' but not 'D'. For numbers, the end points are also inclusive: between 1 and 5 will return 1,2,3,4 and 5 but not 6.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addBetweenDates(String column, Date lowerDate, Date higherDate) Include records where column is between the two dates. Dates without a time value will be treated as midnight, so between 11-12-2008 and 11-13-2008 will return all entries on 11-12-2008. To include those for 11-13-2008 you would use 11-12-2008 and 11-14-2008 or 11-12-2008 and 11-13-2008 23:59.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-09-2011 DataViewCriteria addEqual(String column, String value) Include records where column equals value. The value will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 addFilter(DataViewFilter filter) The method will take all the query parameters and paging information from argument and add it to this filter. It throws exception on columns that don't exist in the underlying storage.
Since: 08-09-2022 DataViewCriteria addGreaterThan(String column, String value) Include records where column is greater than the value. The values will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addGreaterThanDate(String column, Date date) Include records where column is greater than the date.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-09-2011 DataViewCriteria addGreaterThanEqualTo(String column, String value) Include records where column is greater than or equal to the value. The values will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addGreaterThanEqualToDate(String column, Date date) Include records where column is greater than or equal to the date.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-09-2011 DataViewCriteria addIn(String columnName, String[] arrayOfIds) Adds an 'IN' clause to the query
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 07-05-2023 DataViewCriteria addIsNull(String column) Include records where column specified is null
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addLessThan(String column, String value) Include records where column is less than the value. The values will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addLessThanDate(String column, Date date) Include records where column is less than the date.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-09-2011 DataViewCriteria addLessThanEqualTo(String column, String value) Include records where column is less than or equal to the value. The values will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addLessThanEqualToDate(String column, Date date) Include records where column is less than or equal to the date.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-09-2011 DataViewCriteria addLike(String column, String value) Include records where column is like the value. The value will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addNotEqual(String column, String value) Include records where column is not equal to the value. The value will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addNotIn(String columnName, String[] arrayOfIds) Adds an 'NOT IN' clause to the query
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 07-05-2023 DataViewCriteria addNotLike(String column, String value) Include records where column is not like the value. The value will be cast to the correct type.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addNotNull(String column) Include records where column specified is not null
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria addOr() Adds an OR operator to the query. Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 avg(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the avg of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 06-26-2008 DataViewCriteria beginGroup() Begins a group of statements. Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 GroupConcat concat(String column) Concatenates the values of the specified column when used with a group by clause. By default, the max length will be 1024 characters. Use the resulting GroupConcat object for additional configuration. The alias in GroupConcat should be unique in the field list. To increase the size of the max length, contact support.
Returns: GroupConcat Since: 07-05-2023 count(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the count of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 06-26-2008 countDistinct(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the distinct count of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 10-22-2019 dateDiff(String leftDateColumn, String rightDateColumn, String resultAlias) Returns the difference in days between the value of the two date columns.
Since: 08-11-2010 dateDiffCompare(String dateColumn, String resultAlias, Date compareDate) Returns the difference in days between the value of the date column and the compare date. If compareDate is null, the current date is used.
Since: 08-06-2015 day(String column, String resultAlias) returns the day portion of the specified date column as a number 1-31 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 dayOfWeek(String column, String resultAlias) returns the weekday index of the specified date column as a number 1-7 (Sunday=1, Monday=2,...,Saturday=7) using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 dayOfYear(String column, String resultAlias) returns the day of the year of the specified date column as a number 1-366 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 10-26-2009 enableDecrypt(boolean enabled) Decrypts values of encrypted columns. This has a performance impact, especially for large lists.
Since: 07-14-2010 DataViewCriteria enableFastPaging(int pageNumber, int pageSize) Sets firstResult based on the page size and page number (if greater than 0) and enables paging (if countLimit greater than 0). This will force inquiry to determine if there are additional rows beyond this page but will not inspect the entire database. See DataViewList.getPagingInfo().
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-20-2024 DataViewCriteria enablePaging(int pageNumber, int pageSize) Sets firstResult based on the page size and page number and enables paging. This will force inquiry into the total number of records that match the filter and can be a performance hit on tables with a large amount of rows. Consider using enableFastPaging on larger datasets. See DataViewList.getPagingInfo().
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 01-03-2014 DataViewCriteria endGroup() Ends a group of statements. Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 explain(boolean includeIndexes) This method is only for development purposes to describe the indexes that will be utilized in the given query. The output is rendered in the debug messages of Pal Builder. This method is used for development purposes and ignored in deployed pals.
Since: 12-04-2018 geoDistance(String latColumn, String lonColumn, String resultAlias, Number latitude, Number longitude, String unit) Returns the calculated distance between the location given and the geo-coordinates in the dataset rows.
Since: 10-31-2024 String getQuery() Returns the query statement that will be generated for the underlying storage by the filter. This method is primarily used for development purposes. Returns: String Since: 05-02-2016 groupByColumn(String column) Add column to group by
Since: 06-26-2008 groupByColumns(String[] columns) Add columns to group by
Since: 06-26-2008 boolean hasColumn(String column) Returns true if the specified column exists for queries.
Returns: boolean Since: 11-26-2014 havingAnd() Adds an 'and' statement to the having clause Since: 10-31-2024 havingBeginGroup() Adds begin group to having statement Since: 10-31-2024 havingBetween(String column, Object lowValue, Object highValue) Performs a 'having clause' on the specified derived column
Since: 10-31-2024 havingEndGroup() Adds end group to having statement Since: 10-31-2024 havingEqual(String column, Object value) Performs a 'having clause' on the specified derived column
Since: 10-31-2024 havingGreaterThan(String column, Object value) Performs a 'having clause' on the specified derived column
Since: 10-31-2024 havingLessThan(String column, Object value) Performs a 'having clause' on the specified derived column
Since: 10-31-2024 havingOr() Adds an 'or' statement to the having clause Since: 10-31-2024 hour(String column, String resultAlias) returns the hour of the specified date column as a number 0-23 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 boolean isDecryptEnabled() Returns true if decryption is enabled. Returns: boolean Since: 07-14-2010 max(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the max of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 06-26-2008 min(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the min of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 06-26-2008 minute(String column, String resultAlias) returns the minute of the specified date column as a number 0-59 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 month(String column, String resultAlias) returns the month portion of the specified date column as a number 1-12 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 quarter(String column, String resultAlias) returns the quarter of the specified date column as a number 1-4 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 reset() Resets the filter (equivalent of creating a new filter). Since: 06-04-2008 second(String column, String resultAlias) returns the second of the specified date column as a number 0-59 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 selectColumn(String column) Explicitly select the specified column.
Since: 06-04-2008 selectColumns(String[] columns) Explicitly select the specified columns.
Since: 06-04-2008 setDateFormat(String pattern) Sets the date pattern for date strings used in criteria.
Since: 06-09-2011 DataViewCriteria setFirstRecord(int firstRecord) Set the first record to return.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria setMaxPageSize() Set the page size to the maximum allowed by the key. Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 05-30-2013 DataViewCriteria setPageSize(int size) Set the page size (max 1000 or limit controlled by the activation key, min 1, default 100). See also setMaxPageSize.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 10-11-2010 DataViewCriteria setQueryTimeout(int timeout) Sets the timeout for the query. By default this is 10 seconds and the maximum is defined by the cloud configuration.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 03-13-2018 DataViewCriteria sortAscending(String column) Sorts the results in ascending order on the given column.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-04-2008 DataViewFilter sortAscending(String column) Sorts the results in ascending order on the given column.
Returns: DataViewFilter Since: 06-04-2008 DataViewFilter sortDescending(String column) Sorts the results in descending order on the given column.
Returns: DataViewFilter Since: 06-04-2008 DataViewCriteria sortDescending(String column) Sorts the results in descending order on the given column.
Returns: DataViewCriteria Since: 06-04-2008 standardDeviation(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the population standard deviation of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 12-03-2009 sum(String column, String resultAlias) calculates the sum of the specified column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 06-26-2008 timeDiff(String leftDateColumn, String rightDateColumn, String resultAlias, String unit) Returns the difference in unit between the value of the two datetime columns.
Since: 08-11-2010 timeDiffCompare(String dateColumn, String resultAlias, Date compareDate, String unit) Returns the difference in unit between the value of the datetime column and the compare datetime. If compareDate is null, the current datetime is used.
Since: 08-06-2015 String toString() Returns a description of this object. Returns: String Since: 06-04-2008 week(String column, String resultAlias) returns the week number of the specified date column as a number 0-52 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 weekOfYear(String column, String resultAlias) returns the week of the year of the specified date column as a number 0-53 using the specified resultAlias
Since: 10-26-2009 weekday(String column, String resultAlias) returns the weekday of the specified date column as a number 0-6 (0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, ... 6 = Sunday) using the specified resultAlias
Since: 10-26-2009 year(String column, String resultAlias) returns the year portion of the specified date column using the specified resultAlias
Since: 01-14-2009 |
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