Method Detailboolean checkCubeStorage(long allocationLimit) Checks to see if this enterprise can be allocated the specified amount of cube storage.
Returns: boolean Since: 08-19-2019 InternalAcmeService createAcmeService(String domain, boolean includeRoot, String target) Creates an ACME service for the specified domain and target. The domain must be cloud unique. If includeRoot is true, will include in the cert.
Returns: InternalAcmeService Since: 08-30-2021 String createNotification(Data settings) Creates a notification and returns the ID
Returns: String Since: 09-12-2023 InternalStatBuilder createStatBuilder() Returns a new StatBuilder. Requires Statistics permission Returns: InternalStatBuilder Since: 05-13-2014 deleteNotification(String notificationId, String replacementId) Deletes the notification.
Since: 09-12-2023 deletePartnerSettings() Deletes partner settings Since: 05-18-2015 boolean disableAutoArchive() Disables auto archive. Returns: boolean Since: 03-05-2012 boolean disableAutoDelete() Disables auto delete. Returns: boolean Since: 03-05-2012 boolean enableAutoArchive(String group) Enables auto archive using the system storage provider. Requires pre-assigned provider by cloud owner.
Returns: boolean Since: 03-05-2012 boolean enableAutoArchive(String group, StorageProvider provider) Enables auto archive using the specified storage provider.
Returns: boolean Since: 03-05-2012 boolean enableAutoDelete() Enables auto delete. When enabled, those transactions that do not have an archive plan will be deleted. Returns: boolean Since: 03-05-2012 boolean finishDelete() Can only be called by a system admin and only after markForDelete(true) has been called. This completes the deletion process and flags the enterprise for clean up and deletion by the background deletion thread Returns: boolean Since: 05-18-2015 InternalAcmeService getAcmeService(String domain) Returns an ACME service for the specified domain. To obtain a service for a restart only, pass the enterprise GUID for the domain
Returns: InternalAcmeService Since: 08-30-2021 SystemDataView getAcmeServices() Returns a view for ACME services for this enterprise. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: AcmeServices
Since: 08-30-2021 String getAddress() Returns the address of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 SystemDataView getAffiliateInvites() Returns a SystemDataView for accessing affiliate invites for the enterprise. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: AffiliateInvites
Since: 04-29-2010 ArchiveManager getArchiveManager(String group) Returns the transaction archive manager for the enterprise. The active user must have manageArchive permission for the group. Do not use * for group.
Returns: ArchiveManager Since: 02-10-2012 DataList getArtifactSummary() Returns a summary list of artifacts for this enterprise Returns: DataList DataList Name: artifacts DataList Fields: name, qty, date Since: 05-18-2015 int getBillingDay() Returns the day of the month billing occurs for this Enterprise. Returns: int Since: 05-30-2013 ProfileInfo getBusinessContact() Returns the business contact information for this enterprise. Returns: ProfileInfo Since: 05-19-2010 String getCity() Returns the city of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 SystemDataView getConnectors() Lists connectors for this enterprise. Active user must have manageServices permission. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: Connectors
Since: 05-16-2011 Payload getContactSettings() Returns contact details for this enterprise. Returns: Payload Since: 05-18-2015 String getCountry() Returns the country of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 String getCountryCode() Returns the country code of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 DataList getCubes(int offset, int limit) Returns a list of cubes for this enterprise
Returns: DataList DataList Name: cubes DataList Fields: name, remote, createDate, runDate, dropped, dropDate, statDate, maxSize, currentSize, cellCount, sliceCount, dataCount, listCount, payloadCount, fileCount, localSize, remoteSize, sizeLocked, percentUsed, palId, palName, available, cubePalLimit Since: 08-14-2019 Data getData() Returns a Data object with information from this enterprise. The amount of information depends on what the enterprise has enabled for public access. Minimum information available is the name of the enterprise. Returns: Data Since: 07-06-2009 String getDefaultConsole() Returns the default console pal ID for this enterprise. Returns null if no console pal exists. Returns: String Since: 10-21-2021 Data getDefaultPermissions() Returns default permissions Returns: Data Since: 07-17-2023 InternalDomainManager getDomainManager() Returns the InternalDomainManager for this enterprise. Returns: InternalDomainManager Since: 03-02-2010 SystemDataView getDomains() Returns a list of domains for this enterprise. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: Domains
Since: 06-01-2011 InternalEmailManager getEmailManager() Returns the email manager for this enterprise. Returns: InternalEmailManager Since: 02-10-2011 String getFax() Returns the fax of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 String getGlobalSetting(String name) Returns the global setting identified by name. Returns null if no setting exists with that name.
Returns: String Since: 05-13-2008 InternalGroupManager getGroupManager() Returns the group manager for this enterprise. Requires the active profile to have manage groups permissions. Returns: InternalGroupManager Since: 11-05-2020 String getId() Returns the ID of this enterprise. Storage of this ID should be large enough to handle 70 characters. Returns: String Since: 08-12-2020 String getInvoiceMethod() Returns the workflow method for this enterprise (Normal, External, None). Returns: String Since: 01-05-2010 Data getInvoiceSettings() Gets invoice settings. Returns: Data Since: 05-18-2015 InternalKeyManager getKeyManager() Returns the InternalKeyManager for this enterprise. Active user must have manage key permission for the enterprise. Returns: InternalKeyManager Since: 03-02-2010 String getLanguage() Returns the language of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 InternalLogoManager getLogoManager() Returns the InternalLogoManager for this enterprise. Returns: InternalLogoManager Since: 03-02-2010 String getName() Returns the name of this enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 Data getNotification(String notificationId) Returns the notification
Returns: Data Since: 09-12-2023 DataList getNotifications() Returns a list of notifications for this enterprise Returns: DataList DataList Name: notifications DataList Fields: id, name, email, sms, notifyBy, defaultTest, defaultDeployed Since: 10-06-2009 ProfileInfo getOwner() Returns the owner information for this enterprise. Returns: ProfileInfo Since: 05-19-2010 InternalPalManager getPalManager(String group) Returns the pal manager for this enterprise and group.
Returns: InternalPalManager Since: 12-14-2010 Data getPartnerSettings() Gets partner settings. Returns: Data Since: 05-18-2015 String getPhone() Returns the phone of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 String getPostalCode() Returns the postal code of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 InternalProfileManager getProfileManager() Returns the profile manager for this enterprise. Requires the active profile to have manage profile permissions. Returns: InternalProfileManager Since: 11-05-2020 SystemDataView getResellerEnterprises() Returns a SystemDataView for accessing reseller enterprises for the enterprise. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: ResellerEnterprises
Since: 05-21-2010 SystemDataView getResellerInvites() Returns a SystemDataView for accessing reseller invites for the enterprise. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: ResellerInvites
Since: 04-29-2010 SystemDataView getResellerPals(String enterpriseId) Returns a SystemDataView for accessing reseller pals for the specified enterprise.
Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: ResellerPals
Since: 05-22-2010 String getState() Returns the state of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 String getStateCode() Returns the state code of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 InternalStatement getStatement(String statementId) Returns the specified statement.
Returns: InternalStatement Since: 04-27-2010 SystemDataView getStatements() Returns a list of statements for this enterprise. Returns: SystemDataView DataList Name: EnterpriseStatements
Since: 04-27-2010 InternalStorageManager getStorageManager() Returns the storage manager for this enterprise. Returns: InternalStorageManager Since: 03-01-2012 StorageProvider getStorageProvider(String name) Returns storage provider registered for this enterprise.
Returns: StorageProvider Since: 02-10-2012 DataList getStorageProviders() Returns list of storage provider names and types registered for this enterprise. Returns: DataList DataList Name: providers DataList Fields: name, type Since: 02-10-2012 InternalCloudSubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager() Returns the subscription manager for this enterprise. Requires manage zone permission. Returns: InternalCloudSubscriptionManager Since: 12-10-2013 Data getSupportSettings() Gets support settings. Returns: Data Since: 05-18-2015 ProfileInfo getTechnicalContact() Returns the technical contact information for this enterprise. Returns: ProfileInfo Since: 05-19-2010 String getTimeZone() Returns the time zone of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 String getTimeZoneCode() Returns the time zone code of the enterprise. Returns: String Since: 07-06-2009 InternalTunnelManager getTunnelManager() Returns the tunnel manager for this enterprise. Requires manage services permission. Returns: InternalTunnelManager Since: 06-14-2018 String getVaultId() Gets payment vault id. Returns: String Since: 04-18-2016 InternalZoneManager getZoneManager() Returns the zone manager for this enterprise. Requires manage zone permission. Returns: InternalZoneManager Since: 10-26-2010 boolean hasGroup(String name) Returns whether or not this enterprise has the private group with the specified name.
Returns: boolean Since: 11-11-2009 boolean hasProfile(ProfileInfo profile) Returns true if the Enterprise has a profile for the user associated with the user of the given profile.
Returns: boolean Since: 03-15-2007 boolean hasProfile(String email) Returns true if enterprise has an active profile associated with the email address. This is a utility method that can be used to quickly determine if email is associated with profile
Returns: boolean Since: 12-22-2011 boolean isAchAllowed() Returns true if the enterprise is allowed to use ACH. Returns: boolean Since: 09-11-2012 boolean isAutoInvoice() Returns if auto invoice is enabled. Returns: boolean Since: 04-18-2016 boolean isPalStorePublishingEnabled() Returns true if the enterprise has Pal store publishing enabled. Returns: boolean Since: 07-15-2009 boolean isRegistered(String domain) Returns true if the Enterprise domain has been registered with this enterprise.
Returns: boolean Since: 03-15-2007 boolean isReseller() Returns true if this enterprise is a reseller. Returns: boolean Since: 04-21-2010 boolean isSoftArchive() Returns true if the enterprise is enabled for soft archive. Returns: boolean Since: 08-19-2015 boolean isSoftArchiveEnabled() Returns true if the enterprise is enabled and configured for soft archive. Returns: boolean Since: 01-02-2021 boolean isTimeZoneEnabled() Returns true if time zone code of the enterprise is API enabled. Returns: boolean Since: 03-11-2022 boolean markForDelete(boolean delete) Marks or un-marks the enterprise for deletion. This can be accessed by a system manager or the enterprise owner. If not the system manager, you should redirect the user to the personal profile on success.
Returns: boolean Since: 05-18-2015 patchLicense() Adjusts support profiles Since: 02-21-2022 setArchiveGroup(String group) Sets the archive group for soft archive. Set null to remove and turn off soft archive.
Since: 08-19-2015 setAutoInvoice(boolean autoInvoice) Sets auto invoice.
Since: 04-18-2016 boolean setDefaultConsole(String palId) Sets the default console pal for this enterprise. Returns false if no console pal exists.
Returns: boolean Since: 10-21-2021 setDefaultPermissions(Data permissions) Sets default permissions
Since: 07-17-2023 setDisabled(boolean disabled) Disables/enables enterprise.
Since: 05-18-2015 setInvoiceSettings(Data data) Sets invoice settings.
Since: 05-18-2015 setPalCubeAllocation(long allocationLimit) Sets the global allocation limit for any pal in bytes. Must be 0 or greater but less than the total storage allocated to this enterprise.
Since: 08-19-2019 setPartnerSettings(Data data) Sets partner settings.
Since: 05-18-2015 setSystemSettings(Data data) Sets system settings.
Since: 05-18-2015 setVaultId(String vaultId) Sets payment vault id.
Since: 04-18-2016 String toString() Returns the description enterprise. Returns: String Since: 08-20-2008 boolean transferOwner(String emailAddress) Transfers enterprise ownership to the profile identified by email. The active user and target profile must both have enterpriseOwner permission on the enterprise.
Returns: boolean Since: 03-17-2010 boolean updateNotification(String notificationId, Data settings) Updates the notification. Returns false on failure.
Returns: boolean Since: 09-12-2023 |
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