Digital Transaction Architecture
Copyright 2002-2005 NxLight Inc. All rights reserved.
A transaction brings together a set of documents, security, workflow and audit log.
We define security within the transaction by assigning roles to specific document centric tasks
Workflow defines the number of tasks and in what order each task must be completed.
Each transaction is audited to provide an historical record of events.
A globally unique identifier for the transaction.
Gives the transaction a name, description and placeholder for any project specific information.
Defines the workflow within a packet.
Stores extra information which describes the transaction.
Audit history for transaction level events: signing, opening and closing a document, completing a document, etc.
Contains documents or references to documents.
Contains the attachments to the packet
Attachment information
used to identify this attachment
Attachment binary content.
References a document by a GUID.
Name of the document.
Each document may be presented as a whole or in parts to any user working with the document.
A globally unique identifier for the document.
Restrict access to the specified single role and disallow export.
Gives the document a name, description and placeholder for any project specific information.
Contains one or more signatures.
Stores extra information which describes the document.
Audit history for document level events: signing a document, sending an email, etc.
Contains XML for storing field and signature information for adhoc and pdf docs.
Contains XML for storing an XHTML document, file attachment(s) and XML signature(s).
Contains an Adobe PDF document.
Contains information about a signature.
Identifies the signature.
The default signing preference for this signature.
Defines the expected Media-type for an electronic signature.
Defines the expected device that will capture an electronic signature.
The signature is not required and may be waived.
Identifies the section of the document to be signed.
Identifies the role or roles (comma separated) with access to this signature.
When this attribute is true, the signature is no longer required and workflow SHOULD skip any cancelled signatures.
The ID of the signature this initial or exclusive initial signature references as a parent signature.
Audio Length for an audio signature.
Reference Signature ID.
Render method.
Email of signature signer.
Name of signature signer.
Data of signature signer.
Field that may hold additional XML related to the transaction.
Must be true if this value should be replicated in the database.
An event in the lifespan of a document or transaction.
Describes how a user is expected to generate an electronic signature.