CloudPiston Documentation



The CloudPiston Platform is designed to receive, solicit, validate, transform, present, protect, encrypt, decrypt, analyze, aggregate, export, and retrieve information in the form of text and binary files. It is optimized for business processes that last from a few minutes to several months. It can integrated with long-term storage providers such as Amazon, Rackspace, and Azure for indefinite storage of near infinite capacity.

The CloudPiston Platform is delivered as a managed Platform as a Service in a configuration that is designed for security, scalability, availability, and recoverability.

Applications that run on the CloudPiston Platform are called PALs, an acronym which stands for Platform AppLications or Platform Application Layer. Creating and managing pals requires web development skills including a working knowledge of XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as the ability to work with an API (Application Programming Interface).

Pals are developed using our Pal Builder IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Access to pals for development purposes is controlled by an enterprise administrator by granting development permissions to an enterprise profile associated with an authenticated user.

Each user of a CloudPiston cloud is granted a personal profile by the system and zero or more enterprise profiles by the enterprises using the cloud. The data and pals for each enterprise are logically separated. The enterprise owns the data it produces and can export this data to back-end systems using various means provided by the platform.

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